
220 watchers
Sep 2020
10:16am, 22 Sep 2020
2,236 posts
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Great :-) Now about those little clocks that I can't find...
Sep 2020
10:19am, 22 Sep 2020
24,720 posts
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It could be because none of your zones are in that '300-365 days since last visited' bracket.

Are your dates looking right now?
Sep 2020
10:21am, 22 Sep 2020
4,010 posts
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K5 Gus
For anyone that would like a page with just a list of the "clock zones", ie those last visited between 300-365 days ago, and you may be about to lose control of, then vote for feature 914 :-)
Sep 2020
10:26am, 22 Sep 2020
2,237 posts
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Yes, my dates are looking OK now, thanks.

I get it: I don't have any zones in that date range which must be why I don't have any clocks. The oldest are all in the 120-150 day range, and then there are last summer's, all over a year old.

Seems like I didn't do so much wider exploring this year, I can't imagine why that would be ;-)
Sep 2020
11:13am, 22 Sep 2020
10,506 posts
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ITG 🇮🇸
At the risk of being a PITA, my zones owned and leaderboard place do not correspond at all:

Owners leaderboard: 333
Top of page: Annual: 305; Owned: 281

So I have not even explored 333 zones in the past year (sad; I'm sure I was about 500 not so long ago).
Sep 2020
11:43am, 22 Sep 2020
24,722 posts
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I've added a filter box at the top of the list. The sort order doesn't change, it just shows/hides various rows. And it defaults to 'last 365 days' to make the list manageable initially.

Now to see if I can fix ITG's bug :-)
Sep 2020
11:51am, 22 Sep 2020
4,011 posts
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K5 Gus
Brill, thanks fetch :-)
Sep 2020
11:52am, 22 Sep 2020
10,507 posts
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ITG 🇮🇸
Also on badge topic, not really conquersize, but since you're here...

I have cross-trained 1498km but the next walking badge is 1406km. Some of my cross-training is NOT walking (though mostly it is). Is there some way to see our walking total (that presumably includes hiking now)?

And can we get badges for lifetime swim totals (don't bother about cycling; I'm rubbish at that.)
Sep 2020
12:10pm, 22 Sep 2020
2,239 posts
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@ITG: Sigh found a trick for that.

1. In the training log, view 'Totals' tab (little monkey icon)
2. At the top, in "Most Recent Month Edit" click the edit button
3. Click 'All' (at the right hand end of the list) when the text below "Most Recent Month Edit" appears

The totals tab then changes to an itemised list of ALL the training you've ever done
Sep 2020
12:30pm, 22 Sep 2020
10,508 posts
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ITG 🇮🇸
Aha! Thanks, Oranj! LEJoG badge within reach!

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