Commuting to work by bike

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Jun 2020
8:38am, 23 Jun 2020
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I'm a bit of an Ekoi man and have lots of their kit and a little Assos.

Indoor training has been heavy on shorts and have discovered I like KOMRaid shorts, the patterns are a little much for my outdoor tastes as a rule but they are a really good bib.
Jun 2020
8:39am, 23 Jun 2020
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How strange.

The past couple of days, they've had a lane out on the main road, so it's down to one narrow lane in my direction funneled through cones. Not a long one, but a pinch point so I decided rather than holding my line through there and then being recklessly overtaken on leaving it by someone who wants to get to a red traffic light first- the outcome of the past two days- I'd take a slightly longer route through a housing estate and the hospital to take me past the roadworks.

Only an extra quarter of a mile, slightly more sinuous, traffic calmed, and one extra red light and some pedestrians in the way on a shared use path.

2 minutes quicker!

I'm guessing that's more a measure of my improving fitness rather than a function of the speediness of the route.
Jun 2020
9:05am, 23 Jun 2020
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Worth a permanent change DeeGee?
Jun 2020
9:09am, 23 Jun 2020
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I'm tempted.
Jun 2020
9:15am, 23 Jun 2020
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It removes quite a busy roundabout from the equation, which is handy.
Jun 2020
10:24am, 23 Jun 2020
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An alternative might be to ride the coned-off lane if it's not physically out of action for other reasons? I routinely do this through roadworks to avoid holding up following traffic. (Well, routinely if I encounter such situations, which are now rare for me.) But in principle I also would happily take a more pleasant but slightly longer route so long as it wasn't tediously slowed.
Jun 2020
10:28am, 23 Jun 2020
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I would have ridden the coned-off lane if it wasn't for the massive collection of signage in the middle of it. No roadworks that I could see. Just signs advising of the lane closure, throughout the lane closure.

And an additional advantage of this new route is it collect marginally more WSW squares.
Jun 2020
11:44am, 23 Jun 2020
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Tell you something else. I hopped on the scales this morning, and was the same weight after a good breakfast as I was a fortnight ago when dehydrated after a long run. So there's an unintended but entirely welcome weight-loss element to this.

Currently, the main reason for my cycling to work is because we only have one car at home, the wife's at home with the kids and we'd prefer her not to have to get public transport if she's going to go anywhere with them. Of course, the weather we're having right now is helping as well. And I haven't put any diesel in the car since March and want to hold on as long as possible if I can.

What is going to be harder is keeping this going through the winter. When I bought my bikes in 2010, just after the boy was born, I kept myself on the road by training for a triathlon, but that's not really something I have time to think about just now, but I know I will need something to motivate me come autumn.
Jun 2020
11:51am, 23 Jun 2020
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That's my worry too.... and I'm only doing once a week, while the weather is ok.

(I'm in Scotland, so good weather doesn't really come into it!)
Jun 2020
1:35pm, 23 Jun 2020
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Maz - when growing up this is how I remember the weather

If you wake up and it is clear then it is cold

If you wake up to clouds it will rain and be cold
If the clouds are moving it will rain, be cold and windy

If it is between October and May , clouds may mean snow

Anything in between is cold - OH MY GOD IT'S 10 degrees lets get the shorts on

About This Thread

Maintained by HappyG(rrr)
There is a nice thread about commuting to work by running, and there are loads of terrifying threads about bikes and cycling which are about carbon and grams of weight and lycra - not this one: how to dry your kit, how to carry/store your work clothes etc. and some bike specific stuff about best mudguards to minimize wet and dirt and maybe some stuff about cycle paths, safety, simple bike maintenance etc.

And if you declare yourself at the outset as:
A. Total bike head, train lots, do bike races/triathlons and the commute bit is just a way of getting extra miles in and is done at full bike training pace.
B. Bike for fitness (either with running as main sport or not) and like to do bike in lycra, at reasonable speed, certainly always shower necessary!

C. Bike is firstly a mode of transport, essential for the commute, sure a bit of fitness is good, but it's secondary. Safe, reliable and clean are the priorities.

:-) G

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