May 2020
1:17pm, 2 May 2020
10,952 posts
Rely on metadata in photos for location and date, then upload all to Google photos. Job done. But I do only photograph with my phone, so if I had a camera too not sure how I'd handle that. I'd probably just bulk upload once in a while and then not bother organising.
Then turn on face recognition and you can search all your photos for people, b or combination of people etc.
No point organising in folders etc, just let Google handle it! If I want specific photos grouped just use Google photos to create albums
May 2020
1:20pm, 2 May 2020
307 posts
Thanks - looks like I'll check out google photos as the answer!
May 2020
3:33pm, 2 May 2020
43 posts
I fully support the 'never organise' approach. Google Photos is also good at automatically archiving screenshots and the like.
May 2020
5:45pm, 2 May 2020
10,954 posts
The face matching is great. Though when I set it up I had to pretend to be in the US via a VPN for about 5 minutes as it wouldn't initialise in the UK at the time. Don't know if that's changed or not.
The face matching is quite remarkable - it can tell the difference between my four boys as babies accurately (verifiable from the photo dates) when I've not got a clue who they are!
Dec 2020
10:20am, 9 Dec 2020
1,831 posts
*BEEP* - resurrecting thread again as I just stumbled across it.
Reading the responses I see I'm reasonably well organised as I've got photos from my various Windows pc's and laptops over the years backed up to two external drives (this happens automatically thanks to Norton Utilities and some Western Digital software). And I have backups on cd's & dvd's as well.
But I realised I might have missed some on the way and had no similar backup for photos on my phone. So a month or two ago, I set up Google Photos and backed up everything from my phone. I did the same on my current laptop, told it to back up any photos it could find and a week or so later (possibly more) after it had finished backing up every photo (several thousand as it turns out) it now sits there backing things up automatically in the background.
Given the fact I have photos on cd's, dvd's and external drives you could say overkill - but it's more of a belt & braces approach and I know if everything else gets lost or damaged, I'll still be able to retrieve them from Google. Plus the added benefits of allowing friends and family to share the photos and the face matching software, makes it worthwhile in my opinion.