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Chester Marathon 2015

15 watchers
Oct 2015
12:39pm, 5 Oct 2015
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I did pass a cardboard cut out of the queen outside a pub, might even have been in wales....

ndellar, you are right about cyclists, saw a few of those that had sneaked in as well....although IMO runners in races shouldnot wear headphones, there is enough else going on to be aware of and you dont need the distraction.....
Oct 2015
12:43pm, 5 Oct 2015
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I spent a fair bit of time walking in the last few miles, it was quite noticeable how many (marathon, not metric) walkers were milling about in the middle of the road, or walking 3 abreast or whatever & generally getting in the way, in spite of signage saying to keep left. Didn't hear anyone shouting at anyone else, but I did think it would've been a bit annoying at that stage in a marathon to be weaving round people.

Driving back out of Chester around 2pm, there were still plenty of people out running, and it was nice to see just how much support they were getting from drivers going into town.
Oct 2015
12:57pm, 5 Oct 2015
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Thanks Jovi :) and your crown typo reminded me too about the cardboard cutout of the Queen in one of the villages, outside a church I think! A marathoner near me at the time who spent a lot of time (and energy!) talking to the supporters and heckling shouted out 'alright ma'am' and gave her a thumbs up! It made me chuckle :) I dropped him not long after that, he was obviously having too much fun!
Oct 2015
1:26pm, 5 Oct 2015
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Jovi Runner
Oct 2015
2:00pm, 5 Oct 2015
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Being an accountant, I've just done a spreadsheet (!).

Assuming even paced running, and bucketting every runner into a 15 minute slot (rounding down, generously!), runners aiming for sub 2hr30m on the full would be going at a slower pace than metric runners heading for 1hr30 (setting off 1hour apart). After that point, the full marathoners are faster than the metric runners (though this obviously doesn't take account of 18 mile detonations of marathoners etc etc)

In terms of volumes, the peak flow period based on the runners who finished yesterday would be about 3.5 hours for full and 2.5 hours for the half - with about 15% of all runners in that one 15 minute window (481 runners - 32 per minute). And for the two fifteen minute slots following that, about 14% of all runners are in each of those windows. So near enough half the field passed through the turnaround point in about a 45 minute window from about 11:20 to 11:55.

Just in case you were at all interested in the congestion analysis ;-)
Oct 2015
2:02pm, 5 Oct 2015
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The Police motorcycle went past on the other side of the road and a bit further on he was talking to what looked like a race official on a motorbike (though said cycle race in progress or something like that on front). As I passed the race official was explaining that there was a car on the course somewhere and the two of them were trying to work out how the person had managed it.

Also saw the cardboard cutout of the Queen. Made me laugh after the town crier (?) shouting God Save the Queen just before the start.
Oct 2015
2:08pm, 5 Oct 2015
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One of my boys was asking why there was a man dressed as a pirate setting people off...
Oct 2015
2:10pm, 5 Oct 2015
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Funny moments I had forgotten -
Running past a bloke who belched just as I did, who said 'Pardon me' - so I said I would!
Running past a couple who were clearly running together but were not a couple - she was apologising for all her farting and he was gallantly saying it was fine!!
Oct 2015
8:35pm, 5 Oct 2015
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I waved at Her Majesty as i went past.

I have run Manchester twice and now Chester. Although the fact Manchester is special as the route is around where I live I loved Chester. On a sunny day the undulating run through Cheshire towards Wrexham could not have been more fun. Having done the half before i knew it would be good.
I do not think the course was crowded and did not mind the way the metric runners were merged. I also was perhaps too focused to notice the cyclists.
My only regret is that I went too hard in middle and it killed me towards the end. I am really suffering today as a result but give me a few more days and I will be wondering when i can go out again to stretch my legs.

I did enter Edinburgh Marathon last night. If i think too long about it i might not!
Oct 2015
9:38pm, 5 Oct 2015
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Once again, a very well organised event - until mile 24 and Sandy Lane. Cant comaplain as I knew it was coming - its not a big hill/incline - just annoying. Still, did manage a PB (6mins off), and was on for a sub 3.35 - until Sandy - but, as I say I cant complain. Thinking back to Stratford a few years ago, that to me was more underlating than Chester and with the Greenway - was more tiring.

I did get caught up in the mass of the merging Metric runners, and got a bit fed of them 'hogging' the road, so much, I ran parts on the other side of the cones - maybe an area to look at?

it is still 1 of the best marathons to do thou. So well do to all, whatever race you did, and whatever times you have achieved.

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Chester Marathon 2015 race thread. Discuss away.
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