May 2011
11:22pm, 19 May 2011
First-time poster!!
My running performance since November last year has gone down dramatically - I get breathless very quickly if I up my level of effort when training. My easy runs are also more effort than they used to be.
I tried to give blood in February but they refused me. When I had a blood test I was told my blood count was low 11.4, but within the normal range. However, my ferritin levels were low - around 10.
My thought was that my ferritin/blood count may be fine for normal day to day life (although I am quite tired a lot of the time) but maybe not sufficient during hard exercise. My GP is refusing to accept that my low ferritin levels are causing the breathlessness during exercise, because she says that I am still managing to maintain a normal blood count.
I was just wondering if there is anyone out there who is knowledgeable about the role of blood counts/ferritin during exercise who can give me their thoughts.
I'm considering starting to take an iron supplement anyway to see if it helps.
May 2011
12:26am, 20 May 2011
9 posts
Hi I am a GP. Your low ferritin means that your iron stores are likely to be low ( do you have heavy periods ? ) . I think your suggestion of buying Iron is very reasonable it will help boost your iron levels and may boost your Haemoglobin . If nothing else it should be preventative against actually becoming anaemic
May 2011
8:42am, 20 May 2011
2 posts
Thanks - I have another blood test today after which I will go to the pharmacy.
May 2011
8:44am, 20 May 2011
6,710 posts
Nick Cook
Things might pick up a bit if you put a ferritin your shorts??
Sorry - I'll get me coat!!
May 2011
9:00am, 20 May 2011
33,899 posts
plodding hippo
Hiya in our labs ten in the lower end of normal for a ferritin (10-30) so it wouldnt be actually low here It wont hurt to take iron supps though, you will only absorb as much as you need te only issue with them is that you might get constipated or diarrhoea with them, and might need to try different iron preps
If my haemoglobin is less that 12, i dont feel so good either, even though it is still pretty well in the "normal" range
Worth looking at other causes for breathlessmess though, like asthma Hope you get sorted soon
May 2011
9:12am, 20 May 2011
7,700 posts
another GP here your Hb and ferritin are a bit lower than mine and I can't train without taking iron ferrous sulphate is pennies over the counter and 1 or 2 a day should be sufficient I can only manage 1 a day without the gut upset and watch out for black poo - it can be a bit alarming if you're not expecting it!
May 2011
11:34am, 20 May 2011
140 posts
NOT a GP, but I have had a similar problem (suspect I had it for a long time). My numbers were lower than yours (9.8 Hg and 3 ferritin ),and taking iron supplements has made a massive improvement (13.3 Hg and 34 ferritin at last test). I hadn't realised just how breathless I had been, particularly on even the slightest of inclines. I have found a huge variation in charges for ferrous sulphate over the counter between pharmacies (£3.55 - £7.60 for 100 - sure that Lloyds were trying to price just over prescription charge, not been back there!!) but it is still relatively cheap for the huge improvement in well being and training.
May 2011
11:42am, 20 May 2011
3 posts
Thanks everyone, that's really helpful and encouraging (even Nick!).
I had an ecg and lung function test yesterday and there was no indication of any problems there. I've never had any asthma issues, but it's worth considering. I've just had my blood taken for another test, I'm off the pharmacy now.
Another woman in my running club had this problem (but more extreme) last year and after a few months on iron has achieved pb's at 8, 10 miles and 13.1 miles since, so I'm hopeful!!
May 2011
11:43am, 20 May 2011
6,738 posts
Nick Cook
May 2011
11:51am, 20 May 2011
33,903 posts
plodding hippo
god how rooood of me
welcome to Fetch