Feb 2020
12:41pm, 26 Feb 2020
19,081 posts
That's very sage advice.
I'm sure they will also guard against putting the cow before the horse.
(Biscuit Club:. I'd certainly be asking what type of biscuits. Holding out for something like Borders chocolate gingers or Choco Leibniz.)
Feb 2020
12:53pm, 26 Feb 2020
23,423 posts
An old boss of mine would say "run past that with me again", and "let's get that done ASP".
Feb 2020
12:53pm, 26 Feb 2020
23,424 posts
And "can I have a shell-like word in your ear"
Feb 2020
1:05pm, 26 Feb 2020
118,136 posts
Feb 2020
1:58pm, 26 Feb 2020
1,444 posts
Oscar the Grouch
I like these affectations. I used to wrk with a fella who would say, 'there's no room for filth here' (pause) 'we're having an extension built'
Feb 2020
9:08pm, 26 Feb 2020
22,314 posts
Lizzie W
James Hacker : You think I could? Grasp the nettle? Take the bull by the horns?
Bernard Woolley : Prime Minister, you can't take the bull by the horns if you're grasping the nettle.
James Hacker : Oh, really, Bernard?
Bernard Woolley : All I meant was, if you grasp the nettle with one hand, you could take the bull by one horn with the other hand, but not both horns because your hand isn't big enough. And if you did take the bull by one horn, it would be rather dangerous because [he acts out a bull butting out at someone]
Feb 2020
5:51am, 27 Feb 2020
118,152 posts
Feb 2020
9:21am, 28 Feb 2020
23,254 posts
"Adam's getting an orange sofa" "It's not orange, it's coral" What colour's coral?" "Orange"
Mar 2020
10:08am, 2 Mar 2020
47,889 posts
Dear all
As per usual, please let me know if you’d like a taxi to the FUG, one-way or return.
Thank you
Mar 2020
10:11am, 2 Mar 2020
45,597 posts
[I used to work with a twunt who always referred to Gatwick airport and Gatport Airwick. I think it would have annoyed me less if he hadn't been such a complete and utter anal polyp.]