Oct 2011
9:50am, 6 Oct 2011
225 posts
I fractured my 5th back in June and am still, 17 weeks later, unable to run (and guess who got a place in the VLM Ballot). First physio session today. Can now walk a couple of miles at a time, limp seems to be going but have been totally fed up with the whole thing. Was in an air boot for about 8/10 weeks, and slowly improving from then on. Have been on a couple of bike rides but apart from that not too much. Fracture is almost fully healed now.
Hope you have a very speedy recovery.
Oct 2011
2:00pm, 12 Oct 2011
12 posts
Loopy Lece
I broke my 2nd met in March 2010 and was in plaster for 4 weeks. My leg muscle wasted away whilst the cast was on and to cut a long story short I was not cleared to start running until September. Swimming really helped from May and Iwas able to use the cross trainer from June.It took a long time to get better, the NHS was brilliant (3 appointments) but then I am +40!!!. Now I am back running times fater than before the break (10k!) and have no pains or problems with it at all.
Oct 2011
4:42pm, 14 Oct 2011
52 posts
I have been today to have another cast on as the swelling has gone down and the old one was lose,still got 2 weeks left until i get this one off and hopefully then can start doing something i am bored,was worrying to see how quick muscle wastes away my leg looked tiny.TY for all your comments
Oct 2011
5:23pm, 14 Oct 2011
298 posts
I had 5 casts in total, mainly due to them getting loose, & one due to getting sand in it!! I had another 3 weeks on crutches after the cast came off, have they given you any idea how long until you can run?
Oct 2011
5:46pm, 18 Oct 2011
53 posts
Hi JEB no i have no idea at all when i will be able to run again.I am back in for an x ray on the 26th of Oct to see if its healing,and will hopefully know more then.I am properly bored now......
Apr 2018
9:56am, 27 Apr 2018
8,384 posts
well why didn't I think to search the wonderful world of Fetch sooner?
I did Kielder Dark Skies Marathon last month the pain at mile 3 turned out to be a complete fracture of the 2nd metatarsal, hospital said it had been an old stress fracture which had chosen the race to pop completely.
I have been in a cast for 4.5weeks, my review yesterday has me in a cast for another 3 weeks (this is my 3rd the 1st one became too loose). The muscle loss is already noticeable and I know it will be significant in the next 3 weeks but I'd rather that then them put me in a 'shoe' as too many stories of people not fully healing.
I'm aiming to still do Loch Ness Marathon in September, but I guess this is optimistic so I'll take it as it comes when I'm allowed to train again.
I've already decided to swim and cycle and I have a cross trainer at home which I can use (as well as the option to dock my bike making it a stationary bike) initially to get my fitness back and then run when I get the all clear.
Any thoughts what I can do in the meantime? I am thinking of getting said cross trainer into the garage to make it accessible (its hidden under a mountain of rubbish at the moment as seems to happen) any exercises I can do to help the calf muscle?
thank you