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Boston (USA) 2019

1 lurker | 10 watchers
May 2019
1:38pm, 10 May 2019
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May 2019
1:34pm, 28 May 2019
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Sweaty Frank
Good news from Buffalo..., I got my redemption. 3:40:31. It was a mostly flat course, and the weather did not get warm until the second half, even then it was not crazy hot. My splits were close to even, I gave up only a little to the warmer weather in the second half. Five weeks of hamstring strengthening may have made the difference, as I did not have a repeat of the cramping that ruined my time in Boston. So, I plan to return for my 11th Boston in April 2020. Anyone else in again?
May 2019
1:59pm, 28 May 2019
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Well done Frank. That's a great result in Buffalo. How hot is it at this time of year then? Pics from my pals in upstate New York look like it's still wet and not yet warm.

I won't be doing Boston again, unfortunately. Maybe some continental European marathons would be more accessible for me. Glad your hamstring all better too. :-) G
May 2019
7:18pm, 28 May 2019
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Lovely to hear Frank, well done indeed.

No Boston for me next year, I intend to cash in my gfa chips at London again.

As one of the highlights of my marathon experiences so far I would certainly do Boston again though and I shall be watching out for the 2020 thread with great fondness.
May 2019
5:18pm, 29 May 2019
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Sweaty Frank
Thanks Happy and Steve. Weather on race day was cool and very humid, quite a thick fog actually, but not unpleasant for racing. I live in Cleveland which is also on the shore of Lake Erie, a few hundred miles west of Buffalo, so we get similar weather. We are still waiting for what you would call Spring, it remains cool and wet, without much sun. Summer is brief but can be hot and humid.

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Maintained by HappyG(rrr)
Can't believe there isn't a thread for it already. Especially as entry opened on Monday al...
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