Boston MArathon 2016 entry

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Sep 2015
9:02am, 15 Sep 2015
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Jovi Runner
Hi all. Can anyone who has entered the Boston ballot confirm something for me. If you enter the ballot and are successful do they take the money straight away or do they email you and you get a chance then to pay? I am wanting to run but my OH currently on risk of redundancy. Should know more in a few weeks by which time it will be too late to apply for Boston. I wondered if I could enter and if you pay later it would give me a few weeks breathing space? I know the NYC ballot debits automatically but I think others give you a chance to pay later after you know if you are in or not?
Sep 2015
9:16am, 15 Sep 2015
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Hi Jovi, you submit card details when you apply for place, card gets authorised then they take payment if you are accepted, notification came about a week after applying last year, subject to them verifying qualifying time. Official acceptance and payment automatically taken towards of Oct.
Sep 2015
9:36am, 15 Sep 2015
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Jovi Runner
Thank forest. Think I will have to not enter this year - just too risky with hubby's job situation. :(
Sep 2015
12:16pm, 19 Sep 2015
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lady alton
Shamelessly highjacking this thread, has anyone else entered? and how far have you got? I'm wondering how long to check UK marathon times, I had to add the race manually so thinking it might take longer?
Sep 2015
12:27pm, 19 Sep 2015
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Scooby Dave
I'm hoping to enter on Monday when the entries reopen. I'm inside the quail time by 2'31" so I think I have a pretty good chance of getting a place. People are predicting 93 seconds for the cut off.

I qualified via Brighton Marathon so I would expect that they will have to check my time manually too. I believe they have details already loaded of their main qualifier races such as New York and this then makes it quicker and easier to check.

Looking at last year, the entries opened a week earlier and people seemed to find out on Wed 24th. At that rate, it would be around Wed 30th this year. Not as long a wait as VLM.
Sep 2015
11:44pm, 19 Sep 2015
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lady alton
Nottingham was my qualifier, so far my name is on the list but they haven't taken any money and I have no bib number so I guess it's "pending"
Sep 2015
12:00am, 20 Sep 2015
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TRO Saracen
I have entered. Thet have confirmed I have a slot 'subject to verification'. Final confirmation in a week or so maybe. I think it gets a bit more complicated with the final entries as they will need to work out where the cut off will fall.

My qualifier was Amsterdam which was on their list.

It's a brilliant race. OH and I dd the 2013 edition, so obviously the aftermath ruined things a bit and we resolved to do the race again. She will have to apply on Monday.
Sep 2015
10:14pm, 20 Sep 2015
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lady alton
Good to know that it's as long as a week or so. Just need to wait!
Sep 2015
4:53pm, 30 Sep 2015
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Scooby Dave
Phew, made it in with 3 seconds to spare.

The wait has been torturous but I imagine getting flights and hotel now will be more of a challenge.
Sep 2015
5:06pm, 30 Sep 2015
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TRO Saracen
Anyone know what the inside the qual cut off was? Wife's sweating on a place, think she's about 1:57 inside, we heard predicted was 93 seconds, then 2:10 due to some race being in this year's quota twice or something odd.

What was yours Scoob?

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Hi all. Can anyone who has entered the Boston ballot confirm something for me. If you enter the ba...

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