Bob Graham Round

4 lurkers | 129 watchers
May 2022
4:34pm, 5 May 2022
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Northern Exile
Just watching his tracker creep slowly up the side of The Nab. That really is an absolute bastard of a climb on fresh legs, never mind knackered ones. You have to be impressed don't you?
May 2022
5:18pm, 5 May 2022
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Can’t comprehend, to be honest it’s so far removed from my capabilities
May 2022
5:23pm, 5 May 2022
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Derby Tup
I’m not much of a runner. My best road times are average I suppose at best. I did however do a Bob Graham ( back on topic ;-) ) with a lot of focus and training. What these record breakers, whether doing super fast rounds in ten hours faster than ‘normal’, or running round plus up and down the district in a week or less are super human
May 2022
7:35am, 6 May 2022
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I was busy yesterday evening so lost track a bit of where things had got to but looking this morning as John approaches Dockray it looks like he is currently about 11 hours behind his own schedule and 11 hours in front of James. Again some of his deficit to his own plan will unwind when he passes Mosedale where he originally planned to sleep. So the current eta back at the Moot Hall is 17.01 tomorrow for a 5 day 7 hour finish. I think it's fair to say that John is now starting to suffer and the weather forecast isn't kind. I think yhe last 36 hours are likely to be a case of trying to hang on to what he has rather than making more gains.
May 2022
8:31am, 6 May 2022
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K5 Gus
I imagine it will be a nice pyschological boost for him when he crosses over the A66 in a couple of hours time
May 2022
8:56am, 6 May 2022
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I imagine it will be a nice pyschological boost for him when he crosses over the A66 in a couple of hours time

Yes, the pull of the finish will no doubt grow significantly as today goes on and that can only be a boost.
May 2022
10:42am, 6 May 2022
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"Little lumps covered in sheep sh1t"

John not feeling the love for the Mells (pretty accurate description though) but going well according to the pacers. He's actually picking up time against his schedule at present and will be into Troutbeck ahead of the predictions when he left Dockray.
May 2022
11:29am, 6 May 2022
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I see he avoided the road to LMF, if road is uncomfortable, he’s not going to love the Binsey loop
May 2022
11:48am, 6 May 2022
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Better than anything I can say this is a comment from Sabs about his current rate of progress.

Just so you know how well John is going now - he took only 47 minutes from little mell to great mell - I started in langdale so had yet to do the Keswick to Langdale bit and took 54 minutes! Well done John keep it going!

As for the road to Binsey I suspect he will just suck it up as something that needs to be done. He's a pretty handy road runner and though it may not be what he wants right now he'll just get on with it. It will actually give his a head a welcome rest. It requires way less concentration with regard to foot placement. I don't think he would have taken the route LMF unless it was believed to be quicker than the road. It wouldn't be just to avoid the road. He doesn't think like that.
May 2022
11:54am, 6 May 2022
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K5 Gus
Paul did Little Mell to Great Mell in 40:23.................

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