Dec 2011
4:25pm, 19 Dec 2011
518 posts
Ian M
DeeGee, snow shoes would do it quite monotonously for some.
Dec 2011
4:25pm, 19 Dec 2011
12,341 posts
My friend is extremely grateful as she finds it bl**dy annoying. Apparently
Dec 2011
4:28pm, 19 Dec 2011
519 posts
Ian M
Yes Pesto, I can imagine how annoying it would be for you, er, your friend. If you do it "properly", good and hard like, you can even trip yourself up and come a right cropper. That happened to my "friend" yer know. That bl**dy hurt!
Dec 2011
4:28pm, 19 Dec 2011
520 posts
Ian M
Dec 2011
5:49pm, 19 Dec 2011
590 posts
Wobble board sounds good, I cant do one leg squats its painful on the quads.
Dec 2011
10:00pm, 19 Dec 2011
5,494 posts
Stander Claus
I have dodgy knees so one legs squats not good for my "friend"
Dec 2011
10:35pm, 19 Dec 2011
206 posts
This is interesting. Know someone who kicks their left ankle when running or sometimes 'scuffs' the treadmill/ground with right foot. Left hip can also stiffen up after a long run. Wonders if the two together suggests weak glutes/imbalance on left.
Dec 2011
12:17am, 20 Dec 2011
521 posts
Ian M
Stander, depends what you mean by "dodgy". Also, squats can be adjusted. And it is something you build up to as strength improves. Start with fairly shallow ones and gradually go lower as you get stronger. Two legged also.
Shyfire, definitely sounds like it could be yes. Left glute stiffening because it's weak and gets over worked really easily. Right foot scuffing ground due to hip dropping. Could also mean that the lower leg and foot isn't being picked up enough though too...
Dec 2011
12:50am, 20 Dec 2011
4,012 posts
JingleBell *chameleon*
I have a similar 'friend', but he kicks his lower left leg rather than his ankle, leading to his eczema flaring up...
Any fixes for him?
Dec 2011
7:32am, 20 Dec 2011
595 posts
Try a dermatologist?
Only joking. Merry eczemas