Sep 2024
7:36am, 22 Sep 2024
12,108 posts
Last night I was trying to start a business with a friend from uni. It was a bit like a project management consultancy, but for projects that could be as random as building a hen house or getting into a Masters programme, or quitting smoking.
We were going to call it 'Get Shit Done' and we'd provide the service of helping someone figure out what they wanted to do and how they would do it, then providing accountability to make sure they were actually doing it. I was very excited about it, and working out an introductory offer where they'd the first consultation and a very basic action plan free, but all further help would have to be payed for, and there would be custom plans with different levels of support depending on how much they wanted/were able to pay.
At some point in this I was also feeding pigeons and other birds by a lake with some kids (I think the kids of my friend from Get Shit Done, but it wasn't terribly clear) and I heard a strange Cooing that's turned out to be Harpy eagles 😳 They started coming right up to me to take the prawn crackers we had, and I started to get afraid that they would not be satisfied with prawn crackers and might attack me or the kids.
Sep 2024
9:15am, 22 Sep 2024
2,786 posts
Several interrelated dreams which were great - I wish I could remember more! I was hiding from people (probably baddies!) with Buffy in between huge statues in the middle of a huge roundabout. I was under cover at a millionaire magician’s gathering where drinks, entertainment, etc would appear en cue without assistance. I was involved in a burglary and almost left an earring behind, of a pair I’d just been given as a present.
Sep 2024
9:17am, 22 Sep 2024
2,787 posts
I’d pay for that service Rae - I think you’re onto something!
Sep 2024
9:23am, 22 Sep 2024
10,692 posts
Surrey Phil
I was getting off a bus with something that looked like a very large folding pushchair that could seat three one, two or three adults depending on how far you opened it. It had been given to me by on old work colleague.
I then arrived at my destination which was the hospital and my daughter was in the pushchair. My wife arrived in the room followed by a nurse with my daughter's lunch.
My daughter does have a folding wheelchair and was in hospital for a few weeks in the summer so that may have played a part in this dream.
Sep 2024
1:31pm, 26 Sep 2024
10,702 posts
Surrey Phil
I was in a parade which may have been for King Charles' coronation. I had to march against the flow of the other people - directly down the middle where there was an aisle. I knew I had an important role to play and no-one suggested that I was doing anything wrong.
When I reached the end, I grabbed a cup of tea and boarded a bus. On getting one of the final seats to myself, I noticed my late father-in-law. I asked him if he wanted one as well, which he did. As I tried to get off the bus via an upstairs window, it pulled away but stopped close to the kiosk where I had got mine. I wondered if they would accept contactless payment as it would only cost 60p. My father-in-law offered me a £1 coin just in case and I got us the teas.
I seem to be getting a few bus dreams of late and I also had some that featured my mum after she too passed away a number of years' ago.
Sep 2024
2:14pm, 26 Sep 2024
12,113 posts
On Sunday night I dreamt I was really sick - huddled in bed shivering and feeling nauseous, aching, all the fun stuff.
But when I woke up I was fine. Then on Tuesday evening Sam got sick, and Wednesday morning I followed suit. I've spent the last 36 hours huddled in bed shivering, feeling nauseous, and aching.
In one of the brief periods of sleep I got I dreamt that the watch party I've organised for the Dutch women's rugby game this Saturday was a great success though, so I'm hoping that one comes true also.
Oct 2024
6:25am, 3 Oct 2024
2,790 posts
I was at mum’s. The phone went. I struggled to answer it but mum came in from the kitchen and did. It was dad . Mum asked if he’d got any sleep and he replied that he’d been woken by a call from my brother. Sadly I woke up at this point as dad died two years ago and it was lovely to hear his voice which stayed with me briefly after I woke up.
Oct 2024
7:47am, 3 Oct 2024
12,138 posts
Oct 2024
9:13am, 4 Oct 2024
12,143 posts
I've forgotten most of the details, I think I was in an episode of Poirot or similar; a murder mystery type thing set at a fancy party in the 1930s. One of the other guests (or cast? I can't remember if we knew we were in a TV show) was Hugh Grant, who seemed to find me irresistible.
Oct 2024
10:06am, 7 Oct 2024
10,724 posts
Surrey Phil
I was watching Keely Hodgkinson take part in a popular albeit fictional one mile race. It featured an incline to start before a left turn and a flat part to finish. As she overtook a Kenyan runner on the hill, it seemed that she would win.
Like a lot of dreams, I was suddenly in the race as well. I was running well and caught up a guy with Oswestry on his vest. I started chatting to him but he didn't want to say much. I thought I would continue as that might make him realise that I was having no issues and could talk and run well. I was probably running much faster than traditional conversation pace and outsprinted those around me to the finish line. I wasn't the winner but I felt good.