700 miles in 2021

2 lurkers | 72 watchers
May 2021
9:19am, 20 May 2021
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I was thinking it’s probably a good stretch target if you find you’re running regularly and hoping to build but don’t want to find yourself frightened amongst running machines. And that it’s a good recovery target if you *are* a machine. And then the people who stick around are a happy mix. I know the first time I ended up following Bint via this thread on a long distance race I was mind blown that people ran so much in one go: it really hadn’t been on my radar before then.
Talking of which NDW50 this weekend :-)
May 2021
9:32am, 20 May 2021
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I first joined 1000 thread (no idea what year, but probably around 2012 ish?, but realised I couldn't keep up 20 miles per week at that point. I mentioned that on the thread and I got quite a lot of "it's not that hard, man up" kind of responses!! I think I was drawn to the 700 thread because I'd lurked for a bit and it seemed like this was where my tribe hung out :-)
May 2021
9:37am, 20 May 2021
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:-) haha that would’ve destroyed me. I like a lot of carrot with my stick. In fact as a rule life gives me enough stick *gives sharktopus a pat*

it is part of running that there will be injury and I honestly don’t know how I’d have got through PF and kept running without the understanding on this thread
May 2021
10:34am, 20 May 2021
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I first joined the 500 mile thread because that was the first annual target I set myself, slightly went above it. The next year I thought of 750 miles but there was no thread so I came here. I feel I have friends here :)
May 2021
11:28am, 20 May 2021
6,812 posts
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I started in the 500 thread first too. Not quite sure how I got here but glad I did ❤️
May 2021
11:32am, 20 May 2021
52,548 posts
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Ran with S today, it was really hard work. Then I remembered I had forgotten to have breakfast, doh
May 2021
11:38am, 20 May 2021
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ITG 🇮🇸
I've never had a genuine 700 target as such. I stumbled across the thread while browsing the forum and never left.
May 2021
11:54am, 20 May 2021
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The first 2 years I was on Fetch, my annual mileage was 5xx, so 700 was genuinely a stretch. Since then, my mileage has kept increasing, but I’ve enjoyed the thread and stayed.

That said, I do see where Steve is coming from. Unless I get an injury (touches all the wood within reach), 700 isn’t going to be my target. So I have (apologies for it taking me so long for the penny to drop) decided in future years to set my target for whatever I think is realistic, hang out here (unless you’d rather I didn’t) but leave the 700 table to those who are targeting it.

I’m also going to stick with the 100 mile a month club because, although I’m exceeding that at the moment, that’s because I am training harder than I ever have for a specific race. Once that’s done, the motivation of hitting 100 miles will again be helpful - so I think a group with a kind of moving target (or the new exceed last year’s mileage group - ace idea) is ok because training fluctuates with races, injuries, spare time etc.

I’m deeply sorry if I have offended or pissed off Steve or any other member of this or any other group. I’m chuffed with my running this year, but it’s too easy to forget how that feels from another person’s perspective. (I’m not saying Steve was talking about me specifically, but his comment certainly was applicable to me.)
May 2021
12:07pm, 20 May 2021
8,146 posts
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Don't forget to eat before Gut Buster Fleecy :-)

So DD2 has finished her not-exams for A-Levels today. V proud of her focus and dedication over the last 8 months as a Year 14. DS2 finishes on Monday with Not-GCSE's, so stress levels will be dropping considerably after that. The departure of OH on a likely permanent basis to the south coast will aid this. All very amicable, but time for her to follow her own path.
May 2021
12:13pm, 20 May 2021
14,329 posts
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Please do continue to hang out here, Yumee x

About This Thread

Maintained by Serendippily
bunting 2021 Hall of Fame bunting

Memorable March
22/3/21 star First 700er - RRR-Caz star

Alright April
17/4/21 Welshpoppy medal 2nd 700er
17/4/21 Endurancelife Sussex Ultra - Badger medal PB / MV55 Silver
18/4/21 Longhorn marathon - JenHB medal pb

Mývatn May
03/05/21 Lancaster Challenge completed star LazyDaisy
03/05/21 LeJog Challenge completed star SarahWoo
29/05/21 Mývatn marathon - ITG medal PB, 2nd Female
31/05/21 Boston half - Peregrinator medal pb

Gingerly Jaunty June
06/06/21 Cotswold 113 triathlon - Sweetie medal pb
12/06/21 Crystal Palace 10k - Serendippily, Bint McSkint, Paula McM medal 1,2,3 age cat :-)
13/06/21 The Cheeky Little Summer Fun Pop-Up Run - star Groundhog 💯 Marathon star
19/06/21 Richmond Park 10k - TeeBee medal 1st age cat
26/06/21 Heineken Race to Castle 100k - Yumee medal pb

Just Jolly July
01/07/21 ToM leg 4, 5 miles Red Bull - Autumnleaves medal 70% WAVA
01/07/21 Akureyrarhlaup 10k - ITG medal PB, 3rd age cat
04/07/21 Greystones 10k - LazyDaisy medal 1st age cat :-)
10/07/21 Race to the Stones - Corrah medal Ultra PB
10/07/21 Lakeland Trails 55k Ultra - Badger medal Course PB
11/07/21 Wilmslow Summer 10k - ageingtractor medal PB
24/07/21 Castle to Coast triathlon - JustCommando!
24/07/21 Norðurljós þríþraut triathlon - ITG medal pb
25/07/21 Outlaw triathlon - Sweetie medal first Ironman

Aspirational August
07/08/21 Kempton Park 5K - TeeBee medal 1st in age cat and 3rd overall
21/08/21 Parkrun - Photoset medal Columba medal 1st in Age Cat
28/08/21 Parkrun - Sweetie medal 5yr PB ageingtractor medal 1st age cat

Sauntering September
12/09/21 Liverpool 10 miler - AL medal 1st age cat
18/09/21 Serpentine Swim 2 miles - MandyMoo medal open water PB
26/09/21 autumnleaves medal consecutive 10ks

Optimistic October
02/10/21 Parkrun - LindsD medal SB, Sweetie medal 1st age cat
03/10/21 London Marathon - Pothunter medal Pb, Serendippily medal course pb
Virtual version: LazyDaisy medal Pb, Peregrinator medal Virtual PB
14/10/21 LeJog - Treacle medal
16/10/21 parkrun - Sweetie medal 3rd female, 1st age cat
17/10/21 NDWDave Lon Las Ultra bunting
24/10/21 Newport Marathon - Peregrinator medal Non-Virtual PB

Nifty November
07/11/21 Marlow 7 - RRR-Caz medal pb
07/11/21 Flying Fox 10 mile - Ageingtractor medal pb
14/11/21 Draycote Water 10M - Sweetie medal pb
21/11/21 Newent Nine - The Pin Lady medal course pb
21/11/21 St Neots half - Badger medal pb
28/11/21 San Sebastian 10k - Sweetie medal Wava PB

Dashing (through the snow) December
10/12/21 Severn bridge 5M - LazyDaisy medal 2nd in age cat
11/12/21 Jingle Mile - Serendippily medal wava pb
18/12/21 Parkrun - Sweetie medal pb, Badger medal pb
19/12/21 Weston Christmas Cracker 10k - LazyDaisy medal Wava pb

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FE accepts no responsibility for external links. Or anything, really.

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