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700 miles in 2020

69 watchers
Oct 2020
6:57pm, 3 Oct 2020
3,684 posts
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I'd better explain.

The two pies with a "V" on them are vegetarian, mushroom & asparagus. The other little pie is for our daughter who is visiting us this weekend, it's chicken & leek. The big pie is apple & blackberry.
Better go for a run tomorrow to blow that lot away.
Oct 2020
6:57pm, 3 Oct 2020
1,155 posts
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Yummmm! Look gorgeous 🥞🥞🥮
Oct 2020
7:05pm, 3 Oct 2020
41,272 posts
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Oct 2020
7:05pm, 3 Oct 2020
51,012 posts
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Dr PhFleecyD
Happy that the adventure race is in Tilford! And they are offering a giant map option, that was me and FM asking him :)
Tilford has a lovely pub with the worlds largest gazebo in the garden and a nice looking menu, might see if I can book a table for lunch. If someone else did similar we could wave from our tables
Oct 2020
7:25pm, 3 Oct 2020
46,661 posts
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Nice pies *pie* :)

Glad you enjoyed your few days down in my part of the world Phil.

SW, when I had a bad sprain a few years ago, I kept walking by taking an Ibufrofen half an hour before going out. It did the trick and I'm sure it helped with the recovery. I was told by the hospital physio that I was doing the right thing.
Oct 2020
7:36pm, 3 Oct 2020
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Apple & blackberry pie.....sounds delicious. Am jealous.

Well done 700ers today.

Glad your dad is more himself TM. Am sure the tins of G&T will help!
Oct 2020
7:39pm, 3 Oct 2020
19,184 posts
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See you next year then Photoset :-)

MrS was mentioning that pub Fleecy he may see if he can do notBrighton that weekend and plot a 26.2 mile route back from Farnham

*shakes pompoms* for tomorrow’s notLondoners

And well done Sweetie star
Oct 2020
7:39pm, 3 Oct 2020
17,147 posts
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Mmmm porkpie

Very impressed with your hospital ninja skills TM :)
Bet the gin will help recovery
Oct 2020
8:16pm, 3 Oct 2020
23,861 posts
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Lizzie W
Might have to make a weekend of the adventure race, otherwise it's rather a rush in the morning...
Oct 2020
8:27pm, 3 Oct 2020
41,273 posts
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That's really close to Mum but I can't that weekend :(

About This Thread

Maintained by Serendippily
Welcome to the 700 miles in 2020 thread, everybody welcome. The thread motto is:
'700 miles is neither necessary nor sufficient'

At normal times: All you have to do is run about 1.91 miles per day or 13.46 miles per week or 58.33 miles per month and take a picture when you get to 700 miles. Extra points for bins :-) And if you go under or over 700 miles nobody will mind.

Join in the chat on the friendliest thread around - all things discussed, sometimes even running.

Group link is here:

Mileage league for 700 here fetcheveryone.com/training-mileagetargets-filtered.php?category=RUN&mileage=700 Personal league tables and a link to set or amend run, swim, walk and cycle targets here:

If you do reach 700 miles before the end of the year, please reset your targets, so others can keep moving up the table :-)

Send an fmail to Serendippily if you want any races highlighted here and we will all cheer you on:

Dubious December
06/12/20 The Run that Stole Christmas (marathon) - Groundhog
06/12/20 Mapledurham 10 - CStar DD2 (and pacer :-) )
06/12/20 Tri-Adventure - LizzieW, Dipps

Next year:
03/01/21 Tri-Adventure - Fleecy, FM, CStar and DD2, McGoohan, Liebling, LizzieW tbc
31/01/21 Hurtleberry 10k - McGoohan, Dipps tbc

bunting Hall of Fame bunting

Joyous January
04/01/20 parkrun - Molesy medal course pb, Knitwit medal pb, KimCanRun medal pb
18/01/20 parkrun - Peregrin medal pb, ITG medal WAVA pb, 1st lady
18/01/20 Tyndrum 24 - Yumee medal pb
19/01/20 Benfleet 15 - Carpathius medal pb
25/01/20 parkrun - Yumee medal pb, LindsD medal 1st age cat, Billy medal pb - 12barDavid

Fabulous February
08/02/20 XCR - TeeBee medal club WAVA pb
22/02/20 parkrun - ITG medal 1st Female
23/02/20 Tarpley 20 - Carpathius medal pb
26/02/20 1000m TT swim - Sweetie medal pb
29/02/20 Florence parkrun - LazyDaisy medal 1st age cat

Marvellous March
01/03/20 The Vitality Big Half - Pothunter medal pb
08/03/20 Surrey Half - Peregrinator medal pb
08/03/20 Larmer 20 - Fragile Do Not Bend medal pb
15/03/20 Liverpool 10 - AutumnLeaves medal 1st age cat

Awful April
Miserable May

Just Disappointing June
17/06/20 virtual 5 mile - LG medal pb

Joyless July
15/07/20 Lip Gloss training run 5 mile medal pb
19/07/20 Tri-Adventure Run McGoobling medal 2nd and medal 3rd place

Anxious August
06/08/20 Dinton Summer series - RRR-Caz medal 1st Senior

Slightly Shit September
05/09/20 Coniston Chillswim - Helegant medal pb
05/09/20 Marathon Prep Dorney lake 20 - RRR-Caz medal unofficial pb

Optimistic October
24/10/20 Sussex Endurancelife marathon - Badger medal 3rd in Age Cat
25/10/20 Woodley 10k - RRR-Caz, Raggedy Runner medal 3rd in Age Cat

Frequently Found here
bunting = * bunting * without spaces. Knitted furiously and strewn about thread.
appleapple = * apple * * apple * without spaces. Pompoms (Fr)
Morning / Mooring / Mornage etc = estimated 70% thread conversation.
“A dogs bumhole of a day” = a glorious day
The injury bench *plumps cushions and rattles drugs trolley*. Happens to the best of us at some point :-(
The umbrage. Mostly left ironed and neatly folded.
Sharktopus = Bint’s fierce pet, set loose on anyone foolish enough to be hanging about when they could be out running google.com
  • Show full description...

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