Apr 2018
8:39pm, 25 Apr 2018
9,285 posts
lol (literally)
Apr 2018
8:39pm, 25 Apr 2018
1,361 posts
Welcome back Claire horrible things stress fractures
LD Amazing how inefficient the NHS still seems to be
Got back from work early so have managed a and a before DS1 arrives :-), apparently I am to be photographed helping him dress in the morning:-O, obviously he was leaving that as a surprise, he is 30 years old, and it is probably 25 years since I last helped him get dressed
Apr 2018
8:42pm, 25 Apr 2018
14,236 posts
LOL. It'll probably be an artistic shot of you helping him into his tailcoat Phil.
Apr 2018
8:47pm, 25 Apr 2018
22,285 posts
I have added an edit to my blog - Mum phoned to say she'd thought it over and *maybe* she should go ahead with the procedure. I think my being very direct with her got through, horrible though it made me feel. We've agreed to think about it when the next appointment comes through. I have cheered up now
I had to go out to do the announcements at the club run. I had toyed with the idea of running but was very glad I didn't as there was a dreadful hailstorm about 1 minute after they'd all set off. I got soaked just walking back to the car and am now in my PJs and cosy dressing gown on the sofa.
Apr 2018
8:51pm, 25 Apr 2018
14,238 posts
That's much better Daisy.
I was going to go out for a short plod when I got home as I didn't cycle in today. But then I got tea instead.
Apr 2018
8:56pm, 25 Apr 2018
6,451 posts
Good news daisy xx
Apr 2018
9:00pm, 25 Apr 2018
39 posts
Zen Jetman Plurp
Thanks to Meglet, TeeBee and Columba, I've done some very basic - but everyone has to start somewhere - yoga. Meglet, the sub-4 benefit is hopefully a given and so not mentioned explicitly.
Apr 2018
9:17pm, 25 Apr 2018
19,245 posts
Core strength seems to the the answer to everything. Injury prevention, sore back, getting faster etc. So it will probably help the sub-4!
I’ve been doing a core class once a week for a few years. 6 months ago after I moved house I changed to a different class which is much more ‘hardcore’ (sorry!) and less stretching. But I can really feel the benefits. Can’t say it’s made me faster, but less back issues and certainly more comfortable on my bike. It’s helped with wrist strength too, I used to get discomfort after a lot of cycling but hardly noticed it this week.
Apr 2018
9:36pm, 25 Apr 2018
32,909 posts
Phil, I thought it was the bride that had all the Dad photos, my how things have changed these days. Hope it goes off okay and you enjoy the day, and your hangover's not too bad either.
I ran, thought I was going to get rained on after having a dry afternoon, but the spots came to nothing. Had a lovely rainbow as I went over the golf links though.
Apr 2018
9:44pm, 25 Apr 2018
3,131 posts
Sorry to hear about VLM Claire. Hopefully you can defer. Best of luck with the walk. Sounds quite a challenge!
Nice 10k run tonight with group. A different route for a change. All weather run including a wee burst of hailstones.