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700 miles in 2018

68 watchers
Apr 2018
8:18pm, 19 Apr 2018
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Sounds like a good vest, Fleece - I get terrible arm-chafe in the summer.

I'm no musculoskeletal expect, Columba, but I always thought crunchy bits were just tight bits in your muscles. Crystals which liquefy and drain away? Not something I was taught about at medical school. Mind, I wasn't taught a lot of things which people expect you would be. Or maybe I've just forgotten a lot of what I once knew. Probably both.

Have eaten two whole slices of toast and a porridge pot today. And caught up on all the housework that apparently doesn't do itself by magic when I'm laid up....
Apr 2018
8:36pm, 19 Apr 2018
14,194 posts
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I have studied human biology and have never heard of muscles accumulating any kind of crystalline substance that needs to be broken up by massage and drained away.
Lactic acid during exercise, yes. Breakdown of muscle protein, yes. But your bloodstream and kidneys and liver sort all that out just fine generally.

Not saying that massage isn't good - it's great in my opinion, but the crystalline thing is a new one on me!
Apr 2018
8:58pm, 19 Apr 2018
32,775 posts
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Columba, I think you should google "crepitus" for your answer. I have plenty of it in my neck if I move my head from side to side. ;-)
Apr 2018
9:19pm, 19 Apr 2018
2,353 posts
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Crepitus is a fancy word for crackles, heard or felt. Still mystified by liquefying crystals...
Apr 2018
9:31pm, 19 Apr 2018
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hmm - to liquefy something crystalline you would need to heat it to its melting point ...

A fan of reflexology once told me that it works by "liquefying" the crystalline toxins that are deposited in the meridians (??) of the feet - or something like that anyway- sounds like a similar idea, but not sure what they really mean they think they are doing?
Apr 2018
9:34pm, 19 Apr 2018
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It's a touch warmer than I'm used to - and opening a window lets in the smell of burning from a rather large fire that's being tackled 3 or so miles away

Really hoping for our VLMers sake the temp doesn't stay as high as it has been today
Apr 2018
9:39pm, 19 Apr 2018
15,391 posts
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I know about crepitus. I have it in my neck too. Next time I'll ask for a more detailed explanation, thanks anyway.
Apr 2018
9:44pm, 19 Apr 2018
22,228 posts
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I have a friend who trained as a reflexologist and who is permanently fully booked. I have to bite my tongue, because it seems like a load of old cobblers to me :-(
Apr 2018
9:55pm, 19 Apr 2018
5,472 posts
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I get creams and crackles in my knees all the time. I thought it was all the rough edges rubbing together as in crepitus / decrepitude..
Apr 2018
10:39pm, 19 Apr 2018
14,199 posts
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I'm pretty sure crepitus refers to the sound rather than any biological process.
I have it in my knees and neck.

I quite like Helegant's etymology :)

About This Thread

Maintained by Mandymoo
Welcome to the 700 miles in 2018 thread, everybody welcome :-)

The thread motto is:

'700 miles is neither necessary nor sufficient'

All you have to do is run about 1.91 miles per day or 13.46 miles per week or 58.33 miles per month and take a picture when you get to 700 miles of either you or the spot you reached the target or both if you want to. And if you go under or over 700 miles nobody will mind.

Join in the chat on the friendliest thread around - all things discussed and sometimes even some running is talked about.

Next year's spreadsheet can be found here - let's fill it up

Happy running :-)

group link is here


Mileage league is here

http://www.fetcheveryone.com/training-mileagetargets-filtered.php?category=RUN&mileage=700 (roll over me to see where I go)

If you have any target races you want highlighted for 2018, send an fmail to Mandymoo Link (roll over me to see where I go) and they will appear here

Hopefully the link for next year is below


2/12/18 - CStar - Mapledurha 10
9/12/18 - Alpenrose -Christmas 10k
9/12/18 - Dooogs - Stockport 10
9/12/18 - LazyDaisy - Weston Christmas Cracker
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  • goals
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