Jul 2017
12:52pm, 19 Jul 2017
27,228 posts
Daft chooks!
I went for a run this morning before my massage, although it mizzled for part of it I looked like I'd just got out of the shower when I got in as it was so humid.
Jul 2017
1:01pm, 19 Jul 2017
6,103 posts
It's looking very grey and miserable here in That London. I'm meeting Bint for some hill reps on the way home from work - could be a wet one.
Jul 2017
1:02pm, 19 Jul 2017
27,229 posts
On the subject of backs, there's an excellent book that I always recommend:- Sarah Key's Back Sufferer's Bible. It explains how the back works, gives some case histories and then some excellent exercises which really help. I had mine finally sorted out by a chiroprator who practises micro-manipulation and have never looked back. My personal opinion on support things is that they take over from the muscles so make them lazy so I would rather rest enough and build the muscles up to do the intended job properly than use a quick-fix. Another supporter for yoga/pilates here too.
Jul 2017
1:37pm, 19 Jul 2017
36,751 posts
I have just read back several hundred posts but forgotten them all *rolls eyes at self*
We'll be OK, Paula. There are trees
Jul 2017
5:00pm, 19 Jul 2017
11,006 posts
Picked up a bit of hamstring issues on Monday, had a test run today. OKish, but could still feel it
Tennis ball comes in handy
Been off work, back tomorrow and a big presentation. Double brown pants stuff....
Jul 2017
5:23pm, 19 Jul 2017
27,241 posts
Perhaps you could get yourself a good sports massage FML, hope your presentation goes well.
Jul 2017
5:49pm, 19 Jul 2017
27,242 posts
Is that the back of dipps that I spy on the Home page?
Jul 2017
5:57pm, 19 Jul 2017
19,087 posts
I am wimping out of the club run tonight (though I have to go briefly anyway as the Chair is away so I'm 'it'). Having had such a bad night's sleep and another difficult day both physically and emotionally, clearing my mother's house (plus the 2 hour drive each way) I am just going to lie on the floor and do some relaxation stuff. I may fall asleep
Jul 2017
6:25pm, 19 Jul 2017
1,777 posts
That's one hell of a day LD - just going out to do chair duties is an asking a lot.
Off to look at home page for seren
Jul 2017
7:36pm, 19 Jul 2017
36,756 posts
Lovely, sociable hill reps with Paula