May 2013
11:52am, 6 May 2013
3,679 posts
When working out interval times, and doing say, 1KM at 5KM pace, is that current 5KM pace or target pace if you are hoping to bump up your times?
Secondly, how often do you re-assess your timings? Monthly?
(Just trying to program so workouts into my garmin)
May 2013
12:12pm, 6 May 2013
945 posts
Ninky Nonk
My guess would be
- always current pace
- 4-6 weeks sounds sensible to me. Or anytime you race or time trial.
I would also say don't do the exact same session week to week. You'll race your previous times and mess up the session.
You don't say what rest interval you intend either. 90secs would be a reasonable starter for ten?
I'm sure gobi will be along soon with the right advice.
May 2013
1:22pm, 6 May 2013
3,680 posts
Well I was just plucking that interval out of the air as an example. I'm getting back into running after a long time off. I've been doing some steady-state long runs just to make sure the legs work and intend to start 4 - 6 weeks of variable pace 'base training' before getting started on hard intervals.
I was thinking ideally a short rest of maybe 60 seconds but probably starting with 120 seconds and reducing the rest period s I get conditioned.
Although I've been on the site a while, I'd consider myself essentially an untrained runner at this point. With that in mind I'll be introducing intervals slowly as I don't wan to get injured again.
current best time is 22:25 & I'd like to go sub-21 before summer is out
May 2013
1:53pm, 6 May 2013
946 posts
Ninky Nonk
Your best bet is to just run as much (far and often) as you can.
There's a strong link between how many miles you run and how fast you go.
Most of the time you can just pootle around enjoying the scenery.
Unless you really don't enjoy jogging around, I'd suggest just running more.
It really is surprising how quickly you notive improvements too.
Mind you - sure I'm not saying anything you don't know already.
May 2013
2:12pm, 6 May 2013
3,681 posts
It helps to have it cemented in though, so thanks again.
May 2013
2:47pm, 6 May 2013
340 posts
mine are usually a little faster than TARGET race pace
May 2013
3:25pm, 6 May 2013
947 posts
Ninky Nonk
What's the time difference between your current and target?
What recoveries?
So many questions.....
May 2013
3:30pm, 6 May 2013
948 posts
Ninky Nonk
Sorry, should also have clarified before - fast running based on your current 5k - so get the appropriate timings from say daniels.
Not actually run at your 5k speed...
Hope that makes sense.
May 2013
3:58pm, 6 May 2013
51,134 posts
Current pace plus or minus a few seconds
The simple fact is you get the development you need without running faster
recovery - ideally 60 seconds start at 90
Sometimes you will stick in a session in of 2 or 3 kms at faster than race pace with 5 min recoveries.
May 2013
4:52pm, 6 May 2013
3,683 posts
Thanks Gobi.