Jan 2018
10:00am, 28 Jan 2018
20,245 posts
It was a good night.
I’ve been for a run
Jan 2018
10:27am, 28 Jan 2018
2,940 posts
Me too. 3 miles in my quest for a return to consistency
Jan 2018
12:37pm, 28 Jan 2018
5,624 posts
Pancakes this morning with honey 🍯
Jan 2018
12:46pm, 28 Jan 2018
2,008 posts
Chepstow is quite a nice little town, have been there a few times when doing the Severn Bridge Half - and Mr JK is from Newport, which is not far away, so he knows the area quite well. There's a quirky little museum down towards the river.
Back home from Essex. I have been given a job to do by DD1. As well as knitting, I also do patchwork and quilting, and one of her favourite quilts is in need of some care and repairwork, so that'll keep me occupied for a couple of weeks.
Simple baked potatoes for tea, we seem to have done nothing but eat over the last 48 hours.
Jan 2018
12:47pm, 28 Jan 2018
5,837 posts
Doc depends what your drinking I find, pint of old Rosie cider at 7.6% (I think) - say an hour? legless.
12 miles this morning, January's looking like the biggest months running total since October 2016.
Jaber I too ran in new shoes - been looking to move away from my much loved kinvara's to something that offers much more support for my wonky left foot, in particular my wonky left heel - asics cumulus seem to have done the job and the foot feels fine. One complaint though, what is it with shoe manufactures? this is the second time I've tried an alternative running shoe and they feel too snug, too close fitting - at 7 miles I stopped and took the lining out, Christ they are thick - much better after that.
feel much more human after a goods nights sleep - very mild out, the suns even made an appearance
Jan 2018
1:16pm, 28 Jan 2018
8,645 posts
Baby blanket being knitted for friend in Prague, due on April Fool's Day. Also need to do reading for the start of my yoga teacher training course, starting in mid-April.
Will go out for a run after lunch has settled. StuH keeps on trying to get control of one of my patches!:P
Jan 2018
1:22pm, 28 Jan 2018
2,095 posts
Whose patch?
Jan 2018
1:38pm, 28 Jan 2018
8,647 posts
ha ha!!!
Jan 2018
1:58pm, 28 Jan 2018
2,321 posts
Second race of the year done, and second PB It won't last!
Jan 2018
2:05pm, 28 Jan 2018
2,010 posts
Excellent start to the year, westmoors - setting the bar high!