May 2020
12:02pm, 25 May 2020
57 posts
TheBeardRunner (aka Abul Choudhury
4 miles this beautiful morning to make 554 miles for the year.
May 2020
1:45pm, 25 May 2020
834 posts
7.6 today. Nice & warm, but still quite windy at times.
A pair of nice shiny new Adidas Solarglide's arrived yesterday, which is good as my Supernova's passed 1000 miles on today's run 😃 Think they deserved a nice retirement 🙂
May 2020
2:46pm, 25 May 2020
5,770 posts
Another warm and sunny day here too. Had one of my best runs for ages this morning, it seemed easy and yet I was running at a good pace. I ran 7.26 miles in the forest.
Dave_K, I've never tried those Solarglide's. Are they lightweight? I've been wearing Asics 1000's for the last few years. You certainly got good value out of your Supernova's!
May 2020
3:09pm, 25 May 2020
835 posts
HS, they certainly feel lighter than the Supernovas. I'll be trying them out on Wednesday (rest day tomorrow) & let you know
May 2020
12:16pm, 26 May 2020
5,771 posts
Thanks Dave, I'll be interested to hear what you think.
Another hot and sunny morning and I ran 7. 76 miles in the forest with a club mate. We worked hard on the uphills, and finished with 2 sprints in the Leisure Centre carpark, which is empty, of course.
May 2020
9:31pm, 26 May 2020
4,291 posts
that was a hot one today, 5m with intervals included, and ensured that I cleared 100m for the month (for the third month on the bounce...)
I swear by Nike for my road shoes.....
Take care all
May 2020
9:33pm, 26 May 2020
4,292 posts
PS also cleared 500m for year
May 2020
11:30am, 27 May 2020
5,772 posts
Really hot this morning and went for a 3.6 mile walk. I was rather annoyed because when I'm running, I invariably step onto the road when a walker is approaching. A runner was approaching me, and I expected him to move away, but no, he continued on the middle of the pavement. It's ignorant runners like that that give us a bad name.
May 2020
12:22pm, 27 May 2020
836 posts
8.5 miles in my new Solarglides today. Very happy with them. Definitely lighter than the Supernovas.
May 2020
3:06pm, 27 May 2020
5,773 posts
Dave_K, glad you were happy with your new Solarglides. That was quite a long run for a first outing.