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1000 miles in 2025

2 lurkers | 62 watchers
Par by the end of today is 183.6
Jun 2021
10:24am, 30 Jun 2021
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Looby Loo
You had a valid point of view and weren't rude. Maybe a lot of people are busier now that things have opened up.
Hope the football euphoria doesn't lead to an even bigger jump in the already rising cases.
Jun 2021
2:35pm, 30 Jun 2021
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Wow LL, what a training session you had yesterday, including running wearing boxing gloves. You definitely deserve a rest day after all that.

Steve, I'm glad that you think my theory has some substance. My hr is usually lower during quality training, than on recovery runs.

I ran 5 miles in the forest this morning with two running buddies in 54.29. My average hr was 138 and max 168. The max was during the first mile when we were warming up, and as we increased the pace it went lower. It was below 130 for much of the remainder. It was the opposite for my friends, both of whose hr's rose during the rest of the run. I've noticed this before, perhaps it's because I'm old enough to be their father. Just a thought, no idea really. 😁
Jul 2021
2:42pm, 1 Jul 2021
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A hilly road 10k this morning and the quickest I have run it.1.01.49 average pace 9.56 minute miling. I actually increased my Vo2 max to 49, which is the highest I have ever achieved, since I started checking these things. Stop watches didn't have those facilities. My HR stats from today's run seem to bear out my theory. Average 130, max 143. I was running at tempo pace, so must have regained my fitness.
Jul 2021
4:46pm, 1 Jul 2021
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Looby Loo
Sound like a good one HS well done.

I’d have to 12mm to keep that HR.
I swam this morning so going to run tomorrow morning instead.
Jul 2021
5:16pm, 1 Jul 2021
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Thanks LL, I was running in my new Asics 1000's so that might have helped.
I hope you enjoyed your swim? Have a good run tomorrow.

Tomorrow is a rest day for me.
Jul 2021
8:57am, 2 Jul 2021
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The way your HR lowered after that first mile sounds like a settling down after the initial increase in activity. I have generally found ( at least during periods when I've been running relatively well) that my HR also goes up higher during the first mile and then levels off. I am though notoriously hopeless at warming up properly, you'd think I would have taken on the advice and logic of it all! Slow learner!!
Phew, those are some sessions hr and regaining that fitness has been achieved through determined effort.

My hr/pace would be nearer yours LL but still behind you, I missed out my intervals this week but the rest paid off in respect of how I felt ..you were right hr!
Jul 2021
9:01am, 2 Jul 2021
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I'm experimenting with every other day runs to see how it goes/gives me more energy! After 43 years running still faffing about!!!
Am going to order new prescription orthotics today which should have been replaced a year ago!
Nice weather for swimming LL🌞
I did a sunny 10k along overgrown trails today.
Jul 2021
4:33pm, 2 Jul 2021
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Sounds good Steve, a nice sunny 10k on overgrown trails. Easy pace runs a couple of days a week are beneficial.

Today is a rest day from running, but I did a lot of stretches etc this morning, and about an hour gardening this afternoon. I'll probably be aching tomorrow.
Jul 2021
8:07am, 3 Jul 2021
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Looby Loo
Yes Steve your run sounds lovely and that’s what it’s all about.
I’m in Cromer and heading out to explore soon.
Other half has plotted a route but you never know could be a bit stop start.
Have a good parkrun HS.
Jul 2021
10:36am, 3 Jul 2021
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Morning everyone I have been one of the quiet ones I haven’t had the mental capacity to work and social media these past few weeks. I try to keep up with goings on but failed at that too.

I have also pondered that I am way ahead of target for 1000 in the year but that was mostly due to training for the big run and my aside target to do 100/month. There is no way I could get to 1500 so this felt like a good place, plus the craic is brilliant.

So the race I did it!!!! 100k turned into 64.64m and almost double elevation advertiser by enough people for the organisers to look at it for next year.

But we kept going not once did either my friend or myself think we can’t do it we smiled throughout despite the appalling conditions (said I’ll do it again but the summer edition next time) I have blogged if you find yourself bored 😂

Went for a little leg stretch yesterday which went well I came out with minimal issues basically just a couple of blisters. Thanks for the message Steve45 it was very much appreciated

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Maintained by Lesley C
Welcome to the thread :-) to be on target you need to run 19 Miles per week or 2.7 Miles per day.

Target list can be found here - fetcheveryone.com/training-mileagetargets-filtered.php?category=RUN&mileage=1000
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