Aug 2017
1:30pm, 15 Aug 2017
391 posts
Fenland Flier
I wasn't sure if autumn was here already Mmm.
Aug 2017
1:58pm, 15 Aug 2017
5,628 posts
I was hoping for Summer first, FF.
Aug 2017
3:22pm, 15 Aug 2017
1,225 posts
Lesley C
The leaves on my cherry tree are turning
Aug 2017
3:45pm, 15 Aug 2017
392 posts
Fenland Flier
We had summer in May and June Mmm. 🙁
Aug 2017
4:15pm, 15 Aug 2017
6,228 posts
"The nights are fair comin in noo (the County Show is past)
Aug 2017
4:16pm, 15 Aug 2017
6,229 posts
Aug 2017
10:12am, 16 Aug 2017
65 posts
Up to 576 miles.
Personally I'll be glad to see the back of the light evenings for a good few months, but is because we live in an area with a lot of kids whose parents insist upon letting them play out on the green in front of our house until it is virtually dark (even though all of them are primary school age, and most are probably aged 8 or 9, and in my mind should therefore be in bed well before the time they come in from playing) and the noise drives me and my wife mad! Rant over!
Aug 2017
11:06am, 16 Aug 2017
1,853 posts
Blimey They are a rarity outside in this part of the world at any time these days because it's much more fun to be watching a screen and being on social media. It's early autumn!
Aug 2017
11:09am, 16 Aug 2017
1,227 posts
Lesley C
I have a park behind my house, I don't mind hearing them play, it's good to hear kids outside.
Aug 2017
11:48am, 16 Aug 2017
67 posts
Lesley - you presumably moved to that house knowing there was a park behind though, and therefore accepting that there would be noise?
If I'd have wanted to move next to a playground I'd have done so.
Some parents need to understand the line between letting their kids outside (which I agree is better for them than sitting in front of a screen) but not so much that it is anti-social to their neighbours.