Apr 2012
10:06pm, 27 Apr 2012
3,637 posts
Hopefully 30th June for me - just tell me where
Apr 2012
10:10pm, 27 Apr 2012
3,016 posts
I may be free on the 30th June
Apr 2012
1:42pm, 30 Apr 2012
7,552 posts
As usual I'll plan to come, with the likelihood the rest of life will get in the way.
May 2012
12:58pm, 24 May 2012
21,367 posts
Sorry about this - can someone else take over the reins of organising this from now on. Bit tricky for me at the mo although I will come and bring the kids where possible.
Here are some useful phone numbers:
Battersea (favoured by most) - (020) 8871 7537 Tooting - (020) 8871 7171
3pm on Saturday works well (doesn't clash with races) as does about 3 to 4 times a year.
May 2012
12:59pm, 24 May 2012
21,368 posts
Oh and don't book 3 or 4 hours for £200 - just ask when it's not booked and we all turn up and pay £3 / £4
May 2012
1:20pm, 24 May 2012
10,014 posts
Naomi P
I was wondering about the next one.
I would volunteer for the June one but it's impossible given I'm going to be away for the next two weeks. But I'm very much up for a mile on 16th June at 3pm.
Well done John for sorting so many out in the past, you've been marvelous.
May 2012
1:23pm, 24 May 2012
10,015 posts
Naomi P
However, I wanted to help out so I just called Tooting (I think Battersea was already booked, from memory?).
Tooting has a provisional booking from 2-7pm on 16th June, but he said if we call back on Tuesday they should know for sure if it's free.
I'm now passing the baton to someone else to check on Tuesday. That is if people are keen on that date of course.
May 2012
1:32pm, 24 May 2012
21,371 posts
Have a great honeymoon btw
May 2012
1:33pm, 24 May 2012
10,017 posts
Naomi P
Thank you!
May 2012
3:05pm, 24 May 2012
7,625 posts
Thanks, John, for all your work over the past years. It is appreciated. I just hope it's not because life and work's stresses have grown too demanding.