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Sun 13th Apr 2014 at 10:00am by Jinksy

Run > Race

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Notes & Comments


13/04/14 Too tired to write anything tonight but had to put this on now, just to show myself I actually did it. Yeehah!!!

Medal is on and not coming off for a while :-)

18/04/14 Wow 5 days on and still on a high. What an amazing day, experience, achievement!!! When I got that text from Jayne middle of December congratulating me on my place I was scared stiff, what had I done? I had no idea what was to come. I can truthfully say I have enjoyed every moment of it, bar one horrid long training run, and huge credit must go to Coach HH who sat with me at the Blue Bell pub and took me under her wing, gave me advice and the encouragement and confidence to do it, for which I am eternally grateful :-)
Race day came, so pleased I went on the bus, what a bag of nerves, felt so sick I couldn't eat. We were dropped off near the blue start and walking to the red start I decided to try and ditch the nerves and negative thoughts and get my excited head back on, I wanted to enjoy this. First loo stop ok, queues not to bad. We left Lollepop, GW, Trotters and Keaton and went in, we were on our own. We sat next to the bandstand waiting for Bill, nibbling and drinking, not realising we were on camera as Helen Skelton interviewed for the highlights programme! Next loo queue was huge and before we knew it bags were in and we were in the pen. It was amazing you could feel the excitement, being small I couldn't see a thing. We heard the start over the tanoy and then nothing. Me and Bill walked a bit stopped, walked a bit stopped, lost PS, Pudmeister and Juliette amongst the crowds and eventually 25 mins later me and Bill were off. I needed the loo again by now but saw the queues as we ran past and thought I'm not stopping for anything. The first 6 miles or so felt great, very relaxed and enjoyed the party atmosphere and overtaking a marching band, numerous daft costumes and the Jamaican bobsleigh team complete with bobsleigh! Running round the Cutty Sark was brilliant, huge grin at this part. Towards mile 7 doubt crept in, I was hot and my right sock didn't feel right and I felt a bit if I was running through treacle. Looked at my heart rate which seemed higher than normal, showed I was finding it harder, started to worry, I'm not great running in the heat. Knew my family were going to be at mile 9 so concentrated on that. When I saw my daughters banner and then them shouting and smiling it cheered me up no end. Round the corner and I could see the famous WJ vests flying on a pole in the distance, again it cheered me on and really helped. Mile 11 I was lucky to see my family again with same big grins and then on to Tower Bridge. Loved running over that, mahoosive crowds all shouting your name and a lovely breeze. The half way point and onwards past all the faster runners on their way home, surprised how tired some of them looked, quite a few walking. Into the Isle of dogs I was really looking forward to seeing all the WJ marshals and my mum, dad and brother but this was the hardest section, so many people walking, having to weave in and out, road quite narrow and so many water bottles to dodge. I felt tired but was determined not to stop. Found Pudmeister queuing for the loo and then she was off in front of us. Saw WJ at spindrift yay! And then my brother shouting like a loon at mile 17 really made me chuckle. Think then it was on to Canary Wharf, loved it through here, the crowds were amazing and the cheering bounced off the buildings, the flying WJ vests and a very enthusiastic Lollepop. I could see PS and Juliette in the distance which spurned me on. Was lovely to catch them and have a chat. Both said they were finding the heat hard. At mile 20 I think I really started to enjoy it, I knew I was going to do it and the crowds really were amazing, the buzz from it. I loved running through the lucozade tunnel. I saw my family again at 23 miles, just what I needed and then we were on to Westminster. Now the road was wider so not so much weaving just kept my stride going and my watch showed we were still consistent. The last mile was the longest mile ever, wanted it to go on forever but was hurting so wanted it to end. Seeing Big Ben then Buckingham Palace and then round the corner could see the finish line, is something I hope I will never forget. That feeling when I could see the finish, makes it hard to write, welling up again, watched it so many times on TV, never thinking I could actually do it, it looked so huge and far away so when I got there, massive massive pride! They took my chip off in a blur, gave me my medal and I promptly burst into tears, it had all paid off :-)
I had achieved everything I wanted to:
To finish
To run all the way
To finish in under 5 hours
To enjoy it :-)

I think I really was one of the luckiest people to be able to train all winter in fairly good weather, despite lots of wind. My family have been amazing throughout and I have nearly driven them mad with my obsession with doing this race. To have the help and support of coach HH. To have the help and support of some truly wonderful running friends who came out on those long training runs, who have been with me all the way, I owe them all a lot. Im so pleased I managed to run the whole way and share this experience with lovely Bill, the friendliest man on the planet, who I'm sure could have gone much faster on his own. I didn't get any illness or injury since I got my place, which still amazes me. It has shown me that anything is possible if you are prepared to work hard enough and can't quite believe how much determination I have. To that one person who once said I was weak, well no I'm not, I'm strong, I've just run the London Marathon :-) :-) :-)

Split Summary
1) 1m - 11:13(11:13/m) 143/153bpm 96cal
2) 1m - 10:46(10:46/m) 154/160bpm 99cal
3) 1m - 10:43(10:43/m) 154/169bpm 99cal
4) 1m - 10:31(10:31/m) 155/167bpm 98cal
5) 1m - 10:36(10:36/m) 158/166bpm 101cal
6) 1m - 10:46(10:46/m) 160/167bpm 104cal
7) 1m - 11:12(11:12/m) 160/167bpm 107cal
8) 1m - 10:45(10:45/m) 160/168bpm 100cal
9) 1m - 11:02(11:02/m) 160/172bpm 104cal
10) 1m - 11:02(11:02/m) 158/175bpm 101cal
11) 1m - 11:01(11:01/m) 158/162bpm 99cal
12) 1m - 11:06(11:06/m) 158/164bpm 101cal
13) 1m - 10:59(10:59/m) 160/167bpm 102cal
14) 1m - 11:06(11:06/m) 162/167bpm 107cal
15) 1m - 11:03(11:03/m) 160/165bpm 103cal
16) 1m - 11:15(11:15/m) 162/168bpm 107cal
17) 1m - 11:40(11:40/m) 162/172bpm 111cal
18) 1m - 11:06(11:06/m) 164/168bpm 106cal
19) 1m - 10:05(10:05/m) 167/170bpm 102cal
20) 1m - 9:36(9:36/m) 164/170bpm 93cal
21) 1m - 11:07(11:07/m) 164/170bpm 108cal
22) 1m - 11:09(11:09/m) 165/168bpm 109cal
23) 1m - 11:10(11:10/m) 164/169bpm 109cal
24) 1m - 11:06(11:06/m) 166/171bpm 111cal
25) 1m - 11:02(11:01/m) 167/174bpm 110cal
26) 1m - 11:02(11:02/m) 169/173bpm 112cal
27) 0.67m - 7:03(10:33/m) 169/173bpm 73cal

You paused your watch for 110 seconds. This time will not display in your split graph.
11:13 10:46 10:43 10:31 10:36 10:46 11:12 10:45 11:02 11:02 11:01 11:06 10:59 11:06 11:03 11:15 11:40 11:06 10:05 9:36 11:07 11:09 11:10 11:06 11:02 11:02 7:03
Hey Jude
Fantastic ! Well deserved!
Curly K
Brilliant Lou. So pleased you enjoyed it too. Fab achievement :-)
Lol! Medal has replaced the Ashby hoodie :-) Well done, well deserved and a brilliant run!
Absolutely superb stuff, Well done you- great running!!
How comfy was your medal in bed last night? LOL. Fantastic running and pacing. Big congrats. Looking forward to reading full write up :)
Fabulous run, well done Lou! :-)
Absolutely fantastic achievement well done
Well done, I bet you're still smiling too!
Awesome running on an awesome day! Congratulations PinkLou - a superb achievement! x :-)
well well well; what to say! how you embraced the whole challenge with such enthusiasm made me laugh and smile all winter. you are mentally strong and physically tough as nails, great stuff.
a truly wonderful achievement….well done and so glad you enjoyed it so much!
Old Man
Great write up, great run, great achievement - many congratulations on a job well done x
Fab write up and it has truly been a pleasure :-) Marathons are very special things so welcome to the club .


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mi ( to ) | /mi | bpm | spm


Miles Miles Time Time Split Split Min/mi /mi HR bpm HR Beats/mi BMI Cadence rpm Cad. Ascent mtrs Asc.
1.00 11:14 11:14 11:14 142 108-155 1595 171 164-186 3/8
2.00 22:03 10:49 10:49 154 147-160 1665 168 162-174 6/5
3.00 32:47 10:44 10:44 154 138-168 1653 167 160-172 12/18
4.00 43:12 10:25 10:25 155 142-167 1615 166 162-172 2/25
5.00 53:51 10:39 10:39 158 153-167 1684 165 154-170 6/8
6.00 1:04:44 10:53 10:53 160 155-166 1742 165 156-170 5/5
7.00 1:15:53 11:09 11:09 160 153-167 1784 164 160-170 7/7
8.00 1:26:36 10:43 10:43 159 150-167 1703 165 160-170 5/5
9.00 1:37:41 11:05 11:05 160 153-172 1774 165 160-170 5/3
10.00 1:48:42 11:00 11:00 159 145-175 1750 166 160-170 6/7
11.00 1:59:48 11:06 11:06 158 149-161 1754 165 160-168 6/5
12.00 2:11:00 11:12 11:12 158 149-164 1771 164 156-170 3/3
13.00 2:21:58 10:58 10:58 160 152-167 1756 165 152-170 14/8
14.00 2:33:01 11:02 11:02 162 157-167 1788 165 160-170 7/11
15.00 2:44:08 11:07 11:07 161 151-166 1790 165 160-172 2/5
16.00 2:56:45 12:37 12:37 162 155-167 2044 165 158-170 6/4
17.00 3:08:20 11:35 11:35 163 156-172 1888 164 158-170 6/6
18.00 3:19:01 10:41 10:41 164 155-168 1753 166 162-172 6/3
19.00 3:27:00 7:59 7:59 167 164-170 1334 164 160-168 6/5
20.00 3:33:51 6:51 6:51 167 157-170 1143 166 160-172 5/3
21.00 3:44:55 11:04 11:04 162 157-168 1793 167 162-172 7/2
22.00 3:55:49 10:54 10:54 166 164-170 1810 166 162-170 9/6
23.00 4:07:00 11:11 11:11 163 157-169 1822 167 162-172 11/6
24.00 4:17:50 10:50 10:50 166 162-171 1799 168 164-174 15/8
25.00 4:30:18 12:28 12:28 166 158-173 2070 168 164-174 9/19
26.00 4:41:20 11:02 11:02 169 166-171 1865 168 162-174 16/15
26.81 4:50:03 8:43 10:43 169 166-172 1810 172 168-176 3/8

Further Analysis

  • Pace Distribution

    Edit colour bands
  • Heart Rate Distribution

    161 avge / 175 max Delete HR Trace
  • Climb Gradient Min/mi
    12 1.7% 10:27
    12 1.4% 11:09
  • Cadence Distribution

    166 avge / 186 max Stride Length: 89cm
  • Run/Walk Breakdown

    % Cad Mi Time Min/mi
    Run 99.8 166 26.8 4:49:30 10:48
    Still 0.2 - - 33 -
  • Benchmarks

    Distance Time Mins/mi WAVA Fastest
    400m 55 3:42 97.99% More
    800m 2:33 5:08 78.20% More
    1km 3:53 6:16 66.70% More
    Mile 9:45 9:45 45.18% More
    5k 32:49 10:34 45.73% More
    5 miles 53:22 10:40 45.80% More
    10k 1:06:50 10:45 45.64% More
    10 miles 1:48:31 10:51 46.24% More
    Half 2:22:49 10:54 46.82% More
  • Predictions

    Dist Time Per Mile WAVA
    1M 8:58 8:58 49.12
    5km 29:49 9:36 50.33
    5M 49:23 9:53 49.49
    10km 1:02:10 10:00 49.08
    10M 1:42:57 10:18 48.74
    Half 2:17:04 10:28 48.37
    20M 3:34:39 10:44 48.15
    Mara 4:45:47 10:54 47.75

Bespoke Fields

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