Split Summary
1) - 1m - 7:06(7:06/m) - 167bpm avge - 175bpm max - 117cal
2) - 1m - 7:17(7:17/m) - 172bpm avge - 178bpm max - 120cal
3) - 1m - 7:15(7:15/m) - 176bpm avge - 181bpm max - 119cal
4) - 1m - 7:27(7:27/m) - 178bpm avge - 181bpm max - 120cal
5) - 1m - 7:18(7:18/m) - 178bpm avge - 180bpm max - 119cal
6) - 1m - 7:16(7:17/m) - 180bpm avge - 183bpm max - 119cal
7) - 1m - 7:16(7:16/m) - 181bpm avge - 183bpm max - 120cal
8) - 1m - 7:15(7:15/m) - 182bpm avge - 185bpm max - 118cal
9) - 1m - 7:23(7:23/m) - 184bpm avge - 187bpm max - 120cal
10) - 1m - 7:15(7:15/m) - 183bpm avge - 186bpm max - 119cal
11) - 1m - 7:10(7:10/m) - 183bpm avge - 185bpm max - 119cal
12) - 1m - 7:12(7:12/m) - 187bpm avge - 189bpm max - 119cal
13) - 1m - 6:55(6:55/m) - 189bpm avge - 192bpm max - 119cal
14) - 0.17m - 57(5:44/m) - 194bpm avge - 197bpm max - 18cal
Heart Rate Zone Summary
HR Zone: undefined: 100%
Pace Zone Summary
Pace Zone: 5:40-5:59/mile: 1.7%
Pace Zone: 6:00-6:19/mile: 3.1%
Pace Zone: 6:20-6:39/mile: 8.4%
Pace Zone: 6:40-6:59/mile: 16.4%
Pace Zone: 7:00-7:19/mile: 21.8%
Pace Zone: 7:20-7:39/mile: 21.3%
Pace Zone: 7:40-7:59/mile: 11.6%
Pace Zone: 8:00-8:19/mile: 5.8%
Pace Zone: 8:20-8:39/mile: 4%
Pace Zone: 8:40-8:59/mile: 1.4%
PB !

Soham Half by 3 min 48 secs
DD came to mine then went and picked up OM then HH, GW, Lollepop and Keaton were meeting us there. Talk of planned pace, times etc. on the way I decided I wanted to beat my 1.38.50 and would like 1.35 which worked out to 7.15m/m pace, nice round figures

Wasn't sure how I would do as not been great this week but decided to go with it and see how it went.
We arrived in loads of time which was my fault for leaving so early, sorry peeps. Found the number collection desk, HH was offered No.1 and declined, OM had it instead. I was awkward and wanted no.22 (my lucky number), DD had no.6. Small race this was and GW and gang arrived shortly after and then with other clubs was about 150 ish I would guess doing it.
Went for short WU with GW and then got back to the start, poised and waiting the gun went off and off we trotted. First miile for me was too quick but not stupid pace so was happy. GW started behind me but soon passed, bit of support from Soham residents then headed out into the fens. On mile two a train came along and not sure how close the front runners were to the crossing before it re-opened, anyway it was open by the time I got there.
On mile 3 some Ely runner was in front so I went to go past him, he speeded up, so I slowed and so did he, idiot, ran about half mile behind him then nipped in front
Mile 4 and the dreaded headwind was there, hence my slowest mile, by the end of mile 5 it had eased off and was more a side wind, from then on it was more sheltered. I had now settled into a nice pace and felt good.
Went through 10k in 45.03 and then halfway in 47.33 (3 secs behind target, damm it lol) From about mile 8 I could see GW ahead and was slowly catching him although he didnt look to be running that well. Mile 9 I found quite tough but then onto the main road and from 10 in felt quite good.
At about 10.5 miles a BRJ (south african chap) caught me after gradually gaining on me since about mile 6, he then went past, I managed to keep with him and after about 11.5 miles overtook him back and pulled away from him, very satisfying
At mile 11 I realised I was on for a PB and speeded up slightly, gradually catching GW up, by mile 12 I had him in my sights and eventually passed him at 12.5 miles when he had pulled up, quick check to see if he was ok and pushed on, really pleased with sub 7 m/m for mile 13 and was encouraged by Lollepop and Keaton cheering me in, sprinted for the line as fast as my legs wanted to go, crossed the line and looked up at the clock 1.35.02, and said 'Oh, B*****s' (due to missing 1.35 by 2 seconds) just as the councillor put the medal round neck, whoops, appologised and was actually really pleased with time
Course was slightly long at 13.16 on Garmin but others had it at 13.21 & 13.25 so must have taken the shorter route ! average pace on Garmin was 7.13m/m.
Took shotbloks at 5,7,9,11 and 12.5 miles. Route was well stocked with water and marshalls and really enjoyed, place was 18th and first WJ in

I like small races now
Sat on grass after and have yummy cake from HH and swigged coffee, listened to presenations then headed home.
Great day out and great runs from DD and HH as well. Next PB target will be the 5k one, roll on June 8th
Now having a big fat curry and couple of beers as reward for my efforts
Brilliant, well done you must be very proud. All your hard work paid off, also coming on the back of a week when you didnt feel well. Its WJ`s like yourself that inspire new ones like me to get better. Good Job !
VERY GOOD SPLITS...think alot of us could take lessons off you on that score. well done, good run...
Well done Swerver, I was certain this event was made for you and DD post Brighton - excellent run - you'll improve further too over the summer but for the moment enjoy the glory!!
Excellent run and PB Swerver with a great strong finish, knew you would do it. Thanks soooo much for coming back for me. Good day all round.
forgot to mention ran it all alone with no one to chat to, didn't know what to do with myself lol
Well done swerver, as om said time will fall over summer and ger will be great
Nice one, enjoy your evening relaxing. A good summer with 5k's for leg speed and I predict something really special in the autumn:)
Fantastic time, well done Swerver
So pleased for you-brilliant run AND you sped up at the end! Massive pb - lots more to follow me thinks! Bet the curry was good!
Fab running Swerver! A good course and a small field I nearly started on the line! Thanks for driving:-)
Awesome stuff swerver, ace run, Well done, GER will be much faster no doubt, Brill write up 2 .
well done again on a new pb, long may they continue to fall!
love your race reports! Brilliant result again-well done!
Huge Congrats for getting OM some where early!!!!!! I will be giving you a list of dates and times for places he needs to be as you are better at organising him than me Lol Truly an excellent day and you really deserve your pb, working full time (?) and a young family its not easy but you are always out doing the hard work and as per today encouraging and helping others. Hope the curry are beer went down well