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Watford 10k

Listed by wendyjames
  • Rated 71%
  • 10km
  • Road
Entrants (9)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Banny Ever since I saw the race in Runners World, I wanted to run this. I have been to Casisiobury park a couple of times and it is just beautiful. So I had an extra day off to get ready and set off with a light rain all the way through the journey to Watford. Upon arrival there was no chance of parking in the car park so we ventured up the road. Came to Swiss Avenue and parked there. A good move as it was closer by a good few hundred yards than the car park. I left the rest and made my way to the throng. So first job was to find some safety pins for the number. No pins at teh late entrants dersk. I asked few people then I got a very good idea from one of the entrants. Borrow some off of the kids doing the 1K. So off I went to the finish line to watch the end of the Junior 1km race and I milled around shouting for some pins. Fortunately a lasy answered my call and gave me four pins. Great. Then it was off to find the baggage point. that was not where it was on the map so I asked and was directed to the marquees. Popped in, pinned my tacket to the bag and off I went as time was moving on. I made my way to the start point at the back. Bad move because after we set off I was stuck in heavy traffic for a good 2+ kilometres. But worst of all I didnt set my stop watch because I couldn't see the start point. Only at the 3km mark did I set it.
I impressed myself at 5km because I did the last two in just over7 1/2 minutes, wicked. As the run went on, no hills beat me and I tried to run managable speeds dwon the hills. I think I succeded. a couple of very large water obstacles through which I waded rather than tip toe around the edges. I drank at 6km about half a cup of water (this is new to me pretty much), and soldiered on. I had no problems with my ankle at all, I had a biot of an issue with my laces being too tight at the first 2km but that faded.
I know I can run faster but I am too conservative as I don't know the routes but I am determined to get faster.
I am back now and readty to run more and more. a great day!
Hayes & Harlington Road Runners
49:36 55:26 57:32 47.62
Ampthill & Flitwick Flyers RC
47:49 53:21 57:40 49.88
BigChiefRunningBore Running this 7 days after marathon. pride will push me for a bit, but this is no easy course.
UpDate - good conditions - rain wind mud flooding etc Felt good despite recent challenges.
caught up with me in last km calves went cramped. good fun nonetheless.
Watford Joggers, Fitstuff Run Club
39:52 41:14 46:20 42:41 63.73
Dave Maher Not the easiest of courses but still would have hoped to do a little better.
43:47 43:47 43:00 45:03 59.66
Redhill Distict Royal Mail AC, Striders of Croydon AC
41:35 47:03
Watford Joggers
42:48 44:17 46:49 61.57
Watford Joggers
46:59 46:59 55:54 47.85
Runner Martin
Redway Runners
44:17 48:47 49:17 59.78
53:21 1:02:36 1:00:00 1:03:41 45.21

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