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UK Intercounties XC Championships (senior men)

Sat March 7 2009
Listed by milemonster
Entrants (11)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Victoria Park Harriers & Tower Hamlets AC
39:56 39:56 39:56 79.92
Marigold Really pleased with my position and time (40:48) seeing as I'm on target for another +100 mile week. Went off a bit too fast as I was first in our pen ( First mile 5:00m/m) but settled down to a nice pace which I maintained until the end.
Have to say my first experience of a major XC event like this was a fantastic one, thoroughly enjoyed the whole day.
Bournemouth AC
40:48 40:48 40:48 78.65
St. Albans Striders
41:58 41:58 41:58 76.05
Ally2 A sub for Leics. asked to turn up with small chance of running. The team manager has confirmed I will represent my county. :) Now the aim is to come top 150 and not embarass myself. If I can be a scorer- top 6 all the better,
Well 147th and 5th counter for Leics, we came 17th out of 32 counties. Kept good form and pace all way round, gaining places on all 4 laps and rarely losing places. Had a fantastic sprint at the end getting about 4 runners including one from northamptonshire and notts and pipped leics team mate on line but results have hin ahead. best run over xc, better than the nationals really pleased considering my first county appearance. the depth of quality scary with last place runner still getting 50mins for 12k. only 5mins behind winner lol and not over 6mins like at nationals.
Notts AC, Hermitage Harriers RC
35:48 42:21 42:21 75.39
CookPassBabtridge Didnt know quite what to expect in first inter counties race and it was tough.  Set off hard but relaxed and slowly worked my way through, was about 170th after 2 laps and 150th by the end.  Must have been outkicked by Ally2 in the last stretch, you git ;-)  3rd counter for Notts.  Perhaps should have tapered a bit more for this...
Notts AC
39:39 42:24 42:24 75.68
Long Eaton Running Club
42:48 42:48 42:48 75.52
paulhalford Top 150 would be great. Hoping for a medium year in terms of bogginess of terrain. UPDATE: 189th so disappointed with position but happy with time of 43:16 for 12.4km on that course, even though I think it's the driest I've seen in the five years I've run it.
Werrington Joggers
43:16 43:16 43:16 74.41
milemonster 213th
Wrexham AAC
40:15 44:02 44:02 72.48
JAnders Finished 251.  Tough course although I felt tired from Marathon training.
Telford Harriers
45:21 45:21 45:21 70.46
Gobi Oh dear not great but not last. 4 weeks and 35 miles while limping round with Torn Fibres in you Sacro Illiac joint is not great. Should not have run really BUT it was inter counties. 

262  and 5th scorer and far worse than last year. 

In all honesty better than expected and I really am dumber than I though.
Cannock & Stafford AC
46:05 46:05 46:05 70.89
mgadsden Tough run, legs felt really tied from a busy week of marathon training
Telford Harriers
47:56 47:56 47:56 66.59

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