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Torrington Christmas Caper

Listed by Konaboy
  • Rated 50%
  • 10mi
  • Xc
Entrants (8)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Billy Whiz
North Devon RR
1:15:47 1:42:01 43.37
caramel Hope to beat last years time.
North Devon RR
1:09:16 1:31:04 1:17:00 1:46:00 42.68
Launceston Road Runners
1:16:22 1:43:40 47.04
Konaboy Once again v. challenging course (made even more so with the christmas themed fancy dress). Good mix of everything making it one of the best multi terrain races around. Well organised by TAAC with freebie mince pies at the end much appereciated. Goody bags a bit hit & miss but at least everyone received christmas pud & clotted cream.
Reading Roadrunners
1:14:07 1:17:23 1:24:00 1:29:50 50.36
kstuart Should be a nice pleaseant Xmas plod assuming parents dont object to me vanishing for the morning. Well it was a nice pleasant Xmas plod with a bit of mud and cold water added to it. Read my blog for full details.
Trail Running Association, FERC
1:20:08 1:28:36 1:35:00 1:54:00 37.94
Launceston Road Runners
1:33:14 1:57:11 1:43:41 47.09
Oscar the Grouch Sorry 2 whoever bet on me at this one, very social, so I strolled round. The next 2 10ks are pb potential though...
Taunton AC, Running Forever
1:14:47 1:34:09 1:35:45 45.53
The_Saint Very scenic and tough route which only out of interest my Garmin made 10.24 miles, a real quads killer
1:08:12 1:13:57 1:21:41 55.83

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