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The Fetch Five - April

Tue April 19 2005
Entrants (17)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Alf Tupper This is a great idea. I can't believe how seriously I took it. Disappointed with my time but I have got a bit of a cold
35:23 35:23 37:34 37:34 62.32
Beaker I'm pretty pleased with that. OK I ran on the treadmill in the gym, but for only my second five miler, and taking a good couple of minutes off my previous time, I'm satisfied. Hopefully that will help build a base for my first 10K.
49:25 49:25 42.82
Bryn R not bad time, could have pushed a little harder but no point killing myself on a training run
Herts Phoenix AC, Saffron Striders RC
26:50 26:50 29:30 29:30 73.08
Cliffy tc Didn't try to hard keeping fresh for tri on Sunday but still managed a PB. A hilly route with sun/hail/rain/sun and no bliddy chav's anywhere to be seen. Its strange that being part of a virtual race seemed to add a bit of edge to the run. 

Great idea whens the 10K!!
47:05 47:05 47:05 47:05 45.28
dood Hmm so I missed it by a whole day - wondered where everyone else was. Still, stayed dry and not too windy. Lake - St James Retail - St James - Harelstone Road - Bants Lane - Sainsburys
Silson Joggers AC
34:28 37:45 40:40 40:40 52.04
fetcheveryone Not quite the best run I've ever had - I got a few cramps around the shoulder blades which slowed me down a bit; my shoelace came undone after about 6k; and I got Garmin-lazy, and didn't bother planning a route - so ended up running in little circles outside the sports centre to finish off the distance. But it's a line in the sand!
FERC, Fit 2000 AC Bedfordview
36:23 41:13 43:41 43:41 48.23
Forest Runner I'll run this if I don't have to marshall and if I can have a Mars bar at the end.
32:37 34:37 45:00 45:00 52.45
heres johnny part of 9.5 mile run had to jump in hedge to get out of the way of some idiot driving on the wrong side of the road
36:13 42:05 42:05 52.22
KatieB Managed to stay  with MrB til the halfway point, then he zoomed off coming in a minute ahead of me. still really pleased to average under 8 min miles! This looks good for a sub 50, 10k this year.
Bedford Harriers AC
37:20 38:08 38:31 38:31 60.26
krusty out and back on canal from Bournville Station towards Birmingham shins playing up and back of left leg tight, didn't warm up properly, cold and wet
Bournville Harriers
31:55 35:54 35:54 66.30
MB99 Great race and a PB to boot. Woo hoo!
35:09 34:38 34:38 60.87
McGoohan Having calculated I had 38 roads to cross, I went out with the vague idea that if I managed a pace of one road crossing per minute, I'd get round in 38 mins.

This plan worked to perfection, except that I'd forgotten a few roads. There were 43 and I got round in 42:48.
38:45 41:58 42:48 42:48 52.15
PieNapper Ooooh that hurt! A little too soon after London methinks - cool route tho, got a lot of support tearing down the high street!
35:47 35:47 37:01 37:01 57.35
Puffing Bertie
42:36 46:41 54:03 54:03 44.24
Ronnie Wibbley Got date wrong and ran this on 29th April, but still quite happy with time.
Watford Joggers
36:45 36:45 42:00 53.98
Slow Going Exactly 7 months since my first ever race - which was also a 5 mile. I took it far more seriously than I should have, and raced the garmin, with the virtual partner set to run the 5 in 37:30. Course was gently undulating (as close as we get in Bedford) and a bit windy. I went off too fast and was hanging on from mile 2. On finishing I was sufficiently knackered that I needed to sit down for a few minutes before running home...
33:32 35:38 37:03 37:03 57.30
wrinty I have been working in London this week so improvised a route starting at the London Basin in Islington heading east along the Regents canal to Victoria Park in Hackney, where a short circuit completed the distance. Had to take a detour where the towpath was closed in Hoxton, but had plenty of early evening runners to act as pacemaking targets along the canal.

Respekt to my Fujitsu colleagues who turned up in force to see me start my run, before meeting me at the Crown PH in Victoria Park for some Organic beer and a good nosh up.

Photos to go online later.
Avon Valley Runners
28:09 31:04 31:46 31:46 68.69

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