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Preston 10 miles

Listed by XT2runner
Entrants (12)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
CottamRunner Was hoping for a 10 mile PB at this one - over 2 flat and fast laps. Weather was perfect and I felt fresh. I knew lots of runners there, so was able to judge my pace - perfectly! Despite the course measuring long I knocked 1 min 20 off my PB! Home in 1hr09.04 ;) :-) Splits to follow . . . .
Northern Veterans AC, Red Rose RRC
1:06:28 1:09:04 1:10:23 1:09:04 64.01
Fawkes Paced Tom around - steady run for me easying back into the running
Mossley Hill AC
57:45 1:11:26 1:11:26 61.25
Northern Veterans AC, Knowsley harriers
58:53 58:53 59:00 58:53 78.66
Karen T PB, great, a nice, well organised 2 lap flat course
1:23:09 1:26:04 1:26:04 61.76
KickedIt Fast and mainly flat 2 lapper lends itself to PB attempts. Field was mainly quick club runners, refelcted in the results. Chuffed to bits to record my first PB of the year, knocking 23 seconds off my previous best.
I had to drag a sprint finish up from somewhere to do that, but very pleased!
Good atmosphere with lots of local clubs in attendance and excellent facilities. The race organisers ran this one like clockwork, and the marshalls did an exper job on the junctions. This is a definite for next year.
Wigan & District Harriers & AC
1:12:12 1:23:54 1:24:16 1:23:54 53.90
Swinton Running Club
1:18:35 1:27:31 1:27:31 50.03
1:14:38 1:14:38 1:14:38 58.73
Accrington Road Runners, Preston Harriers
1:34:17 1:38:18 1:40:00 1:38:18 51.94
Southport Waterloo AC, New York Road Runners Club
1:18:07 1:25:38 1:25:38 57.35
St. Helens Striders
1:06:49 1:08:37 1:08:37 68.05
Wilmslow RC
57:32 59:53 59:53 81.31
Wirral AC
1:05:12 1:05:12 1:05:12 72.21

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