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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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Outlaw Triathlon

  • Rated 90%
  • 2.4mi/112mi/26.2mi
  • Road
Entrants (18)
Pred Swim Pred Bike Pred Run Swim T1 Bike T2 Run Total

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
borobhoy Total - 11:57:26
T1 - 0:07:20
T2 - 0:04:53
Knaresborough Striders
1:20:00 7:00:00 4:00:00 1:17:50 0 5:58:42 0 4:28:38 11:45:10
climbingfishgirl Absolutely delighted with this performance. Would never have guessed I had it in me.
1:12:00 6:45:00 4:30:00 1:06:45 0 6:14:18 0 4:49:07 12:10:10
1:30:00 7:00:00 4:30:00 1:11:24 0 6:51:46 0 6:34:17 14:37:27
Doonhamer Actual time 12:09:05 - Great event. Pleased with swim time although it was a bit of a bun fight most of the way and very weedy. Bike was the usual 'average' ride. Ran well up until last 10k where the wheels fell off and struggled home due to not being able to keep any food fluids down since 100k on the bike.
Glad its over and i can get back to just running now
Linlithgow AAC
1:20:00 6:20:00 4:00:00 1:09:00 0 6:21:00 0 4:24:00 11:54:00
History Ninja
1:30:00 6:45:00 5:00:00 1:08:00 0 6:19:00 0 5:41:00 13:08:00
COLT - City of Lancaster Triathlon
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
libra Total time 12.19.56, 4th F45-49
0 0 0 1:20:35 0 6:28:25 0 4:19:10 12:08:10
man,slow The swim course was obviously short!!!
Stourbridge RC, Black Country Triathletes
1:40:00 6:00:00 4:00:00 1:17:34 0 5:16:13 0 3:58:15 10:32:02
Nightjar Predications based upon swim 800m in 20mins, 15mph average on bike, 10min/mile run. Will update as training gets anywhere near the distances required! Vitruvian results would double up to 1:40, 6:10 (for 5 miles shorter) and 4:00 so fairly happy with these predictions for now.

Total time with transition was 13 hours 47 minutes.
Bedford Harriers AC, LDWA
1:36:00 7:27:00 4:21:00 1:37:44 0 6:58:31 0 4:59:47 13:36:02
Holme Pierrepont RC, TFN Tri Club
0 0 0 1:21:36 5:55 6:01:45 4:35 4:20:58 11:54:49
Runs4beer Total race time - 12:53:10
0 0 0 1:09:52 5:42 6:50:10 6:11 4:41:13 12:53:08
sirchutney Have you ever seen that bit on Raiders of the Lost Ark where Marion asks,
0 0 0 1:08:57 0 6:56:10 0 4:09:35 12:14:42
Smugbloke Died in the run with around 8 miles to go.  Hit the wall a bit, but the cramping set it.
11:44:03 overal including T1 = 7:03  & T2 = 3:33
Fantasitcally well organised race.
1:16:00 6:35:00 4:10:00 1:08:46 0 5:55:25 0 4:29:12 11:33:23
Steve Ho
Manchester Tri
0 0 0 1:53:54 0 5:55:53 0 4:42:08 12:31:55
Hatton Darts RC
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
WACA Prob not enough early on training but had a good last 6 weeks so hope is enough not to suffer too much.  Prediction is pretty useless, I honestly don't know.  I do however feel that I might be pretty ill.  Want 13 hours really and would be happy with that.  Cakes are my downfall, oh and sweets, and these great cookies I get at the farm shop....***Thrashed my prediction and you can't say fairer than that!  Great w/e away, feel good atmosphere and so many nice people really made it all worthwhile, and of corse sponsorship for children with leukaemia:

Thankyou so much to all of you who have sponsored me, if you haven't already please goto https://www.bmycharity.com/V2/event.aspx?e=5e607a0d-c21b-4414-b05a-9b9f72a50091 and make it doubly certain that there was a point to it all and Children with leukaemia will benefit.

I'm going to have a bit of a rest from training now:-)  Jobs on house to do:-(

Race results at:

Finally thankyou to race organisers who did a great job, and to marshalls for their kind donation of their time and good humour.  It was much appreciated.
Pocklington Runners, Civil Service Runners & Riders
1:32:00 6:45:00 4:30:00 1:09:22 8:10 6:15:58 3:57 4:06:34 11:44:01
Tuff Fitty Triathlon Club
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

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