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Milton Country parkrun

Listed by fetcheveryone
Entrants (2)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
North Herts Road Runners
27:06 33:53 39:46 42.89
21:37 21:37 22:03 70.16

About this parkrun

Trail. One small and 2 large laps. Flat. Visitor centre with cafe and toilets. Sheltered spot to leave bags. Plenty of parking which costs £2:50 - money used to maintain park which is a charity and not supported by the council.
HellsBells 22nd Dec 2018

1 short + 2 long laps. Virtually all is on wooded trails, muddy if wet. Flat, narrow, is congested at the start, so no dogs.
Free toilets (toilet block + in the cafe).
Many cycle or run there. Car parking (for a fee) at the country park entrance.
Flatlander 22nd Dec 2018

One small lap followed by two big laps of Milton Country Park. All on gravelly paths. Big puddles after rain. Can have a very distinctive smell at times. Narrow, twisty and a bit crowded on busy days. Excellent coffee and cakes in the cafe.
RichHL 22nd Dec 2018

Extremely muddy on our sole trip - all off road, and quite busy - but a great social run, with a bustling post-run cafe. Also home to some very lovely Fetchies!
fetcheveryone 26th Dec 2018

I really love this parkrun I know others moan but I can do a good time here it's flat and trail but if it's muddy can be a nightmare. 2.50 to park nice café it's the first parkrun I did so maybe holds a special place in my heart ;-). I must do it more.
Hills of Death (HOD) 22nd Mar 2019

Formerly Cambridge parkrun, the original and best ;)

New name and new route 2 big loops and one small loop, for those who know that is the little loop but turn left and do the big loop returning to do the same again and the on the final return across t
Runningbauble21 28th Apr 2023

Now two clockwise loops, opposite direction to before
BrianJ 18th Jun 2023

New course from April 2023. Now 2.5 clockwise laps. Good views over the water. It's still very flat, and very muddy, lots of tree roots, a bit twisty. Also no dogs. Now less crowded than pre-pandemic.
Drell 16th Aug 2023

Very flat windy course around a really lovely park.

Ample easy parking (£3 at time of review) and really good cafe
Krispy 19th Aug 2023

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