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Ian Williams aka Fetch

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LRRL Desford 10k

Listed by Boycie
Entrants (8)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Beccals Undulating course again! Pleased with improvement. Mile spilts, 8.31,9.04, 8.11, 8.30, 8.57, 8.35. Right hamstring was tight.  PB again so very chuffed.
48:45 49:57 53:17 54.77
Boycie Don't expect anything special - have only been back training for 2 weeks...
UPDATE:- Got round in 40:29 in the end... On course for a sub-40 til 7k and then some hills took their toll with a 4:32 8th K and 4:20 9th, managed to pull it back together for a sprint finish! Good improvement on 2 weeks ago, on minimal training, so hopefully things'll look up...
Exmouth Harriers AAC, Barnt Green Chuggers
34:46 36:28 41:00 40:29 65.21
Hermitage Harriers RC
43:40 53:17 53:17 50.44
Firestarter Not Bad, more
Hermitage Harriers RC
38:24 41:36 41:36 67.98
Middler Lovely course although more undulating than the usual, that last hill through the village was a killer.  Just missed the sub 50 time I wanted, but still enjoyed the day.
50:34 50:34 50:34 60.80
Barrow Runners
40:31 44:24 45:44 57.73
SteveC Hillier than I remember from last year!  V. pleased with time - ran an even pace.  Looking forward to Kibworth!
39:17 39:17 40:20 39:17 68.42
ThorntonRunner Just to goad Boycie! My chances of actually beating him are pretty small - but maybe as he's still recovering from injury then this is my best chance ;-)
UPDATE: Pleased with my time. Starting to move in the right direction back towards my PB. Could see Boycie ahead of me int he final mile but couldn't make any impression...!
39:47 40:56 40:59 41:03 70.01

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