Lambourn 6k Fun Run

Listed by BrettFalcus
Entrants (4)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
25:48 25:48 25:48 61.10
Kew Wow wasn't expecting those hills, eased off a bit very aware that I was running 10 miles cross country back to the car - I think I finished in 5th place and I've have pushed harder if I'd known how close I was to a trophy!!!
Reading Joggers
32:34 32:34 32:34 54.54
JPK Good but tough race. The hill up the valley for the first half was never ending and steep. Didnt really recover after that but did finish in about 17th place.
Reading Joggers
26:17 26:17 26:17 60.31
SCD tough uphill for the first 1.5km.
Then I raced at a good pace, will enter next year!
Nice medal
38:00 38:00 38:00 45.67

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