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Kevin Henry 5K League - Haverhill

Listed by brotherjohn
Entrants (9)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Ben B felt pretty good, didnt push too hard.
Newmarket Joggers
17:43 18:19 19:33 68.18
brotherjohn Had a good run tonight, managed to get round quite a bit faster than I thought I would. Felt strong all the way round. Pleased to get close to 17 with the slow first mile (big hill), 17:06 and 5th place.
Dorset Doddlers
16:38 16:52 17:06 87.51
Cats Whiskers Really pleased with this - course PB and SB for 5k.  Probably started too cautiously (very unlike me!) but made up loads of time on the downhill.  A bit disappointed not to go under 24 mins but course was a bit long, I think, and I've not been 100% this week (virus and bad back), so I'm not going to complain!
Cambridge & Coleridge AC
21:51 24:00 24:00 60.53
Cambridge & Coleridge AC
19:16 19:45 19:59 70.44
CStar PB :p
Sandhurst Joggers
20:59 21:35 23:00 21:35 64.58
Flat Out Fi This was my first race following my calf injury so didnt know what to expect really!  Was delighted to only be 40 secs off my pb time!  I think the cycling I did when I was injured must have helped to keep my fitness levels up.

I was 6th lady overall, Fiona T was 5th, Janet 7th and Rebecca 8th.

Its so good to be back!!  Injuries arent good! :o))
19:40 19:51 20:36 69.25
25:01 26:05 27:50 55.61
Martin G
Saint Edmund Pacers
17:04 19:19 19:19 66.35
Mud Rocs Excellent course and perfect weather
Holcombe Harriers
19:24 19:24 19:51 70.22

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