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HPRC Heritage Grand Prix - Race 1 - Holme Pierrepont

Tue June 22 2010
Listed by rollerman
Entrants (18)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
45:37 47:03 49:34 53.26
Long Eaton Running Club
42:02 42:02 42:02 63.95
Diamond White
Erewash Valley RC, White Lightening Harriers
44:48 46:17 51:25 55.96
heval Didn't get anywhere near my hoped/expected time due to training and it being flat - it was just so hot!
Edinburgh Athletic Club, Leeds City AC
39:15 43:06 42:30 43:45 65.75
49:20 53:31 55:29 51.38
jdc I was going for 58 mins and got it.  I'm pleased with the result given how hot it was, legs started to cramp at 7k but kept going.  Managed a tiny sprintette when I saw the clock and realised that 58 was on.  Good flat course around the lake.
Northbrook AC
51:19 56:33 58:00 58:00 54.45
37:26 38:21 42:21 63.47
Long Eaton Running Club
32:13 32:13 32:35 82.49
Redhill Road Runners
45:39 50:07 50:07 57.86
Marts Too hot. 2nd 5k 51s slower than 1st 5k but actually made up 2 places and not passed by anyone so think everyone else suffered too
Werrington Joggers
35:44 36:44 38:45 69.03
olde english the lake looked quite thirst quenching, on reflection think that means it was pretty hot out there!
Erewash Valley RC, White Lightening Harriers, Youlgrave Harriers
32:46 34:55 37:08 71.33
35:10 42:46 42:46 61.73
Richey Hoping for a PB (42.26) but fell short. 48 seconds faster than last year's debut though which I am pleased with. Heat didn't really bother me but found the headwind quite tough. 21.10 halfway which was perfect (and planned) so 21.40 for the second half. Must have lost it a bit either side of half way as felt I finished quite strong from 7k. Trained quite hard last week but don't think that was a factor.
Absolute Triathlon Club
40:55 42:14 42:50 61.99
Long Eaton Running Club
43:45 45:46 47:15 61.32
Kimberley & District Striders
42:49 42:49 47:20 55.86
52:43 1:02:08 1:02:08 46.30
Holme Pierrepont RC
52:07 56:33 1:00:00 47.94

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