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Hearts first jog 10k Blickling hall

Sun September 14 2008
Listed by Smudger 3 The slower lioness
Entrants (4)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
danowat Nice run, route was borked though, they seemed to cut a good 0.5mile off at the end, was not sign posted or anything.....
58:36 1:00:18 1:08:00 1:00:18 44.04
Daz1 My first ever race!  Really enjoyed it.  Shame they messed up the route at the end.  Course was more hilly than I expected but i was pleased with that cos I like hills.
46:14 1:04:00 1:00:00 1:04:00 41.25
EarlyRiser Not going to record a time for this. It was 43.42, but I'll just log it as training. Because only ran 9k! Same as others here, there was no sign posting near the end for the 10k dog leg. Doesn't matter though, this was a very low-key event, great fun, lovely cross-country course. And my youngest had a brilliant run in the 3k (plus medal!) To be honest that's why I was there!
43:07 43:07 43:42 67.42
Smudger 3 The slower lioness My first 10k since my injury comeback.Not sureif i can pb but would like to come in under an houras always will give this my all.Ive put this down as an hour but no real times were taken and i didnt use my forerunner.Lovely run and beautiful surroundings.Muilti terrain so hard work but enjoyed it.Panicked a bit when i arrived back and my son wasnt there.Checked he hadnt been wheeled away on the ambulance but no.Then somebody esle started worrying about a faster runner that was with them.It turned out he had come in and went on to tackle the 6k and 3k courses aswell.Nobody knew this  it was such a releif when he came in.Sue
Ryston Runners AC
55:43 58:47 59:59 1:00:00 51.24

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