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Grimsthorpe Castle 10K

Entrants (18)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Comeback Kid
Yaxley Runners and Joggers
44:22 44:22 44:22 68.70
daffy Was too hot for me, shouldn't have run been ill. Never learn.
Sleaford Town Runners, Toonie Express
58:30 59:34 1:00:00 1:10:59 47.54
Werrington Joggers
44:57 50:00
fatboyowen Hard course, a lot of up and down hills and off track, uneven ground.  hot day 25c
45:49 45:49 55:00 50:45 53.98
Grantham Running club
37:07 38:00 42:09 66.55
49:20 56:51 1:04:25 43.90
la bandit got injured did not do
Grantham AC, Stamford Striders
39:08 40:01
Yaxley Runners and Joggers
Number 6
42:52 46:56 49:59 52:57 56.11
Pingu99 Wow, well there were high's and lows on this one.  Well organised, it's not there fault I was a late entry and so they had run out of T's, but it should arrive so that was a good result.  I'm a bit unsure of the reason why a non club runner should fork out £ 12.00 for a run that didn't need any road closure's so perhaps next time I would sign up earlier.

The course is a challenge but well worth it to get away from boreing flat Industrial estates or farm land out in the Fen's.  The finish was tough for the last few hundred  up a grassy slope and the finish line could have been ebtter marked, oh and the 6K board was way out (by 200M on my Garmin).

Will I do it next year YES.
44:28 45:04 50:00 46:00 64.05
proper bo
42:51 44:28 48:00 48:35 59.15
Lincoln & District Runners
59:11 59:39 1:03:00 1:06:11 44.14
Redhill Road Runners
34:23 39:28 39:30 42:56 65.86
slow tortoise a lot more hilly and hot than i expected
Werrington Joggers
1:13:30 1:13:30 1:20:00 1:23:30 36.19
That Damned Bloke not done this  event before. no idea what its like....

now i know.... and its a tough run!
50:58 59:02 1:00:00 59:42 45.89
thorneygeoff A tough race in hot conditions - the heat slowed me down; the race was well organised in every respect apart from running out of ocean spray drinks for the later finishers. Maybe some runners took 2!
Thorney Running Club
42:41 43:34 45:00 46:56 65.51
Werrington Joggers
39:30 42:07 45:15 44:03 63.18
Wacky Jackie
Notfast RC
58:36 58:36 1:06:00 46.98

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