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Gloucester Marathon (Epney)

Sun January 27 2008
Listed by Unicorn
Entrants (12)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
B Rubble Too close to miss out on.

Under 3:30 so fairly happyfor an undulationg course, need a bit more endurance training and some speed sessions to push this under 3:15. 21st of 148
Dursley Running Club
2:59:00 3:06:43 3:30:00 3:24:24 61.28
Cobra Batman
Cobra RC, Halesowen A & CC
3:27:17 3:36:29 3:49:00 52.62
Dull Napoleon™ As usual started cramping badly just after halfway. Held it together for a sub 3 till just past 20 miles when my left quad locked. Blisters opened around a 70 meter gap at that point, which I managed to close at the 40k point only to cramp again and lose another 30 meters. How I manged to pass him again after that without totally seizing up was a massive slice of luck. The cramp attack I had in the skittle room 10 mins after the race was the worst of my life.

Any I live to fight another day.
Trent Park Running Club
3:01:29 3:05:40 2:59:59 3:07:02 72.54
Foxy  poorley organised event - i did the marathon which was marked every 10 km (ironically the 50km race was marked in miles !!) 3 laps followed by a dangerous dog leg finish - runners on both sides of a busy road which was open to traffic - an accident waiting to happen. 

it was a lovely day for January & i got round in under 4 1/2 so very pleased to complete my first double. 

No medals or t-shirts but a nice Whisky tumbler for finishers & there was a pub at the finish line :)
100 Marathon Club, MK Lakeside Runners, Milton Keynes Lakeside Runners
3:09:27 3:24:10 4:29:59 4:29:06 44.78
3:04:09 3:04:09 3:32:14 64.52
Jogging Jon First marathon of 2008. I hope to do at least 8 in the year, got a long way to go to reach the magic 100. 

Nice course in beautiful sunshine. Didn't pace it right thanks to lack of mile signs. Also knee a bit tight after second lap. Went far too fast at times. But its another marathon done, bring on the next.
100 Marathon Club, Wrekin Road Runners
5:17:38 4:16:16 4:30:00 4:46:40 43.70
kstuart First crack at sub 4:30 in the year. Update: Was going ok until the left quad started siezeing up. Will be blogging race fully shortly.
Trail Running Association, FERC
3:58:03 4:26:23 4:29:59 4:50:31 41.47
100 Marathon Club, South London Harriers
3:10:24 3:37:00 4:04:00 50.06
plodding hippo nightmare race ruined by my guts
100 Marathon Club
4:16:46 4:19:48 4:53:00 46.29
Runna A lovely undulating course and a beautiful day made this very enjoyable. Treated it as a hard training run, running to heartrate.
Gravesend Road Runners & AC
2:58:07 3:04:04 3:15:00 3:11:21 69.16
Chippenham Harriers
3:46:00 3:46:00 4:00:00 4:29:00 46.17
Clevedon AC
3:00:18 3:02:55 3:15:00 3:20:00 64.28

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