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Edenbrook Country parkrun

Listed by fetcheveryone
Entrants (1)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
20:37 22:27 22:27 65.06

About this parkrun

Start by the leisure centre. Arrive early to guarantee parking, course is a couple of loops linked by a contra flow section and a couple of out and backs. All on quick smooth gravel, but keep off the grass verges. Cafe is ok but busy, good toilets.
Groundhog 7th May 2022

A 2 lapper on fairly narrow hard-packed paths with some loose gravel. Mainly flat with some areas of contraflow and an out and back session. Some lapping so hard to overtake in some parts of the course.
chunkywizard 14th May 2022

My home parkrun. Has an out and back section to the park from the start (save some energy for the section back to the finish) and two laps round the park's gravel paths. Very flat. Prone to flooding. Starts at leisure centre so cafe and loos.
hellywobs 7th Jan 2023

Route could be better
Shortcut Cam 18th Mar 2023

Feels like parkrun has been squeezed in. Course is flat, out on narrow path, 2 laps on hard packed paths including a 180 turn & then back to finish. Course can get congested in places & prone to flooding. Limited parking.
Rookery 3rd Apr 2024

Flooded trail course - unavoidable puddles but still road shoes. Starts at a leisure centre parking in nearby school & short walk. Coffee & cake in leisure centre but no bacon rolls / breakfast
Foxy 1st Mar 2025

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