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Dereham 10

Listed by Metal Martin
Entrants (14)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Bettsy 3 weeks after London, 2 weeks off, 1 week back.......
Let's give it a go. 
First time I've run the course. Enjoyed it and a pb too.
Norwich Road Runners
59:51 59:51 1:05:00 1:01:47 70.33
Jigs Marathon training worked a treat! Legs feeling fine, should just creep in under PB.
Fancy a flutter ?

Another PB !! :)
1:02:26 1:07:35 1:08:00 1:07:35 65.90
TeamBath AC
56:12 1:01:52 1:05:00 1:01:52 69.91
Metal Martin Sorry for all those peeps that bet on me, but I am now not able to take part in this race due to illness.  I am gutted about it (and had bet on myself).   Promise to break my 10 mile PB as soon as I can.
Thorney Running Club, Thorney RC
1:39:59 1:25:00
Mrs Jigs (Luverlylegs) Will I manage another PB??? are you willing to risk any credits on me?? :-)
1:10:07 1:19:46 1:21:00 1:19:46 69.01
Mudlark/Titan Tri sport If all goes well,should dip under hour.P M A.(Positive mental attitude)100%.
Had raceing head on today,did'nt wear garmin,back to good hard stuff!Absolutly chuffed with time,its been a few
years since ducked under the hour!& i smashed it today!!
Titan RoadSport
58:43 58:43 1:00:49 58:43 80.94
mxhornet Hit my target time :)
Bure Valley Harriers
53:21 1:03:06 1:03:06 74.08
oldbiddy hope to get this time or under

well motivated !!!!

wwwooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooo :)
Longdale Striders
1:19:38 1:19:38 1:22:00 1:19:38 69.96
Pericles Pretty happy with this: I hadn't got onto the kind of shape I had planned to be in by this stage of the year, but the run went well. A lapse of concentration in mile 7 cost me 20 seconds or so, and failing to see that the finish was close cost me a few seconds more. The race was well organized ... an unappealing first and last 2.5 miles, but a very pleasant middle section. Moderately undulating & damp, breezy weather.
Reepham Runners
1:05:29 1:05:29 1:05:00 1:05:29 67.56
Ipswich Triathlon Club
1:19:38 1:27:48 1:27:48 53.77
1:25:55 1:25:55 1:25:55 57.55
Thetford AC
1:28:18 1:34:37 1:35:00 55.33
Santy Ran a PB even though I was feeling a bit under the weather and knee was hurting.  Nice course and the slight rain was very welcome.
1:20:03 1:20:03 1:28:00 1:20:03 54.03
Dereham Runners AC
1:18:00 1:19:00 1:19:00 56.00

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