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Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire XC Championships

Sat January 5 2008
Listed by Pricey
Entrants (10)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
Long Eaton Running Club
32:13 33:23
joggerpete awaiting official time. Quite pleased with run considering lack of training in December nice easy tempo all way. I measured it on Garmin 205 at 6.03miles
Mansfield Harriers & AC
Scar Tissue This didn't go well for me decided to pretty much train through it and it showed. Started steady never got going and ran the last lap with stich.
Holme Pierrepont RC
33:31 33:38 35:58 74.73
Pricey Am really pleased with my race today. Training straight through and this is my highest ever mileage week. Within a minute of my 10k PB which is held on a flat road course. First XC race for 18 months and loved it
32:33 33:28 37:05 71.19
Is@@c Best XC for some time - happy to be first Stockport Harriers counter although we just missed out on a team prize
Stockport Harriers & AC
39:09 39:09 40:05 69.43
Trehis A couple of hundred meters short of 10k according to my Garmin but still a very good time on wet muddy fields and took 60th place in the Notts champs 20th master. A fast but easy run.
38:18 38:18 40:32 70.90
SPKoF i'll offer my pacing services to whichever of Fetch or BJ offers up the biggest percentage of the prize fund to me!
Long Eaton Running Club
38:19 38:19 43:22 61.23
Chrisity lots of fetchies to chase, but can i catch one?
well, a couple. i was pleased with my time given my state of fitness, but it was nearly 6 minutes slower than 2 years ago.
Beeston AC
37:08 50:26 46:59 65.44
fetcheveryone Hurty and tough, but one of those races where you feel very pleased with yourself afterwards. Rollerman's GPS made it 6.1, and I'd be interested to know if anyone else measured it. The laps were a total swine, but not as much as the muddy hill, where it was only the knowledge that there were a couple of Derby strugglers infront of me, and a couple of LERCers behind me, that stopped me from walking. Support on the course was great from Snoojay, and the guys from LERC (some of whom even knew my name, LOL). Very pleased with the time, and looking forward to seeing what I can do on a nice flat road race. Put me down for some more XC :-)
FERC, Fit 2000 AC Bedfordview
44:00 46:54 48:41 54.31
rollerman Might as well join in, I will race Fetch too then!!!
Well Fecth won then, that was so hard, just could not get going and struggled all the way.
Would have been a lot worse if it was not for the supporters, thanks to them I kept plgging away.
Long Eaton Running Club
43:45 49:30 48:00 50:23 56.12

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