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Clitheroe Castle parkrun

Listed by fetcheveryone
Entrants (1)
PB SB Pred Time WAVA
York Postal Harriers
16:22 16:44 18:36 68.91

About this parkrun

Five laps on tarmac. One hill per lap, 107m total elevation gain. Very pretty park. Lots of parking in the town within walking distance.
Bramble 28th Dec 2018

Very picturesque course in the shadow of the castle. Easy to park and very friendly
A tough course with a short but steep hill section that you have to conquer 5 times
TnoP 31st Jul 2019

5 laps with a couple of closely packed steep bits. Do not notice them first and second time, nearly walking up them by the end. Nice and friendly.
Mr J 15th Aug 2021

Five laps. Great views. Brutal hills. V friendly
LindsD 28th Aug 2021

Attended on a very rainy morning, 5 tough laps with a good steep climb but you do get a nicedownhill. Very friendly with a fantastic location. Toilets near start, good paths and easy parking close by.
Mandyr 24th Nov 2021

5 laps with a hill towards the castle on each lap......
BlueArmy 22nd Apr 2023

5 laps and hills each time so quite challenging. Very friendly and good bandstand to leave bags etc and where the briefing happens. Plenty of parking nearby and there’s a castle!
IdrisTheDragon 11th Aug 2024

Compact 5 lap course close to the town centre with a challenging hill that gets steeper with each lap.
XB 18th Nov 2024

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