Dec 2022
9:00am, 4 Dec 2022
47,133 posts
♪♫ Synge ♪♫
Spoiler re tactics for today:
This isn’t my score today, but it’s a pattern that is recurring. Presumably a popular starting word is being deployed.
Dec 2022
9:55am, 4 Dec 2022
7,733 posts
That’s my starter word and that of a few others I think
Jan 2023
3:30pm, 13 Jan 2023
12,944 posts
I think using any kind of assistance is just cheating yourself; whats the point of playing then?
Mar 2023
12:57pm, 6 Mar 2023
49,015 posts
♪♫ Synge ♪♫
Just reflecting on my last fail a couple of weeks ago when I didn't get the word "RIPER". That brought a 200+ day streak to a screeching halt!
On iRicey's amazing spreadsheet, RIPER was the sixth most difficult word presented to the Fetch wordle community. Looking at that list, four of the top ten are in the ---ER format, the others being PARER, FOYER and HOMER.
This might seem odd - no Q, J, X or Z? I suppose that the letters R and E are so common in words that it is easy to find lots of other guesses before lighting on these particular words. Combine that with the fact that they either contain a repeat letter (which I for one have a bit of a blind spot for - I always seem to try *different* letters rather than use one I have already used) or are quite unusual words and you can see why these were challenging.
Mar 2023
1:08pm, 6 Mar 2023
11,123 posts
True, Synge; my last fail was PARER (#454). I find repeated common letters are the trickiest to get in six moves.
Mar 2023
5:28pm, 6 Mar 2023
8,849 posts
In my head repeat letters shouldn’t be allowed, so I tend to do worse on words that feature them
Mar 2023
5:51pm, 6 Mar 2023
49,017 posts
♪♫ Synge ♪♫
In my head repeat letters shouldn’t be allowed, so I tend to do worse on words that feature them
That's it!
Mar 2023
9:04pm, 6 Mar 2023
21,685 posts
Even worse is Rarer, to which I've lost on some of the "multiple wordles." Not been on Wordle yet, bet it will cause a lot of trouble when it does.
Mar 2023
12:28pm, 24 Mar 2023
49,371 posts
♪♫ Synge ♪♫
One of those ...
Worgle 437 5/6
I have just posted this on the Wordle thread. This was obviously Worgle, but could just as well have been a Wordle attempt.
As I chose my word for line 3 (my line 2 guess was FOLDER), it occurred to me that I should maybe just find a word with as many relevant consonants as possible and play that instead of guessing BOLDER next. Maybe something like BREACH to get feedback on B, C and H. I wouldn't have got the correct answer on line 3 if I had done that, but I would have increased my chances of getting it on line 4. But, even though I don't play in "hard" mode, I pushed on with successive incorrect guesses.
Ultimately, I suppose it's all a question of how each person chooses to play.
This post was brought to you by "Let's Have fun With Spoilers".
Mar 2023
12:34pm, 24 Mar 2023
77,601 posts
The first rule of Wordle Club is that you don't talk about Worgle