Woof! Bark! And also Whiiiiiiiiiine.

107 watchers
May 2016
12:24pm, 16 May 2016
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Love it :-) I know that expression...
May 2016
9:27am, 19 May 2016
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Red Ant
Dexter got attacked last night while he was on the lead. This is the second time this particular dog has attacked him (when he was on the lead again). What action can I take if this happens a third time. Obviously the owners didn't apologise...I'm only thankful that Dexter wasn't seriously hurt.
May 2016
9:52am, 19 May 2016
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Gosh that's awful RA. How is Dexter, was he hurt in either incident. Was the other dog on a lead too? I think you can report it to the police as a dog being dangerously out of control (especially if it was off a lead.)
Someone can report a dog to the police regardless of whether it has actually attacked or not simply saying that they 'fear' the dog is a danger to others (certainly people need to check about dogs).

Depending on what the owners are like I'd say next time you see them that if it happens again you will report it to the police. Do you know where they live (if so its an easy 'clear up' for the police)

I will fmail you later with more...
May 2016
9:53am, 19 May 2016
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I wrote that in a lot of haste and its not punctuated correctly to make sense - sorry
May 2016
9:59am, 19 May 2016
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Poor Dexter, poor you.

It is tricky, though. These owners sound irresponsible (and unpleasant) and I think Baroness is right. However 'attack' is sometimes overstating the case. Absolutely not saying this is the case here, Red Ant - and as your dog was on lead it does sound bad. I only say that because Jess can sound - and look - terrible occasionally - I fear someone reporting her on such occasions.
May 2016
10:00am, 19 May 2016
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Red Ant
Don't worry about spelling and punctuation ;-)

The other dog was not on a lead on both occasions. Dexter is fine fortunately. I'm very annoyed that they didn't try to find out how Dexter was/apologise. I can only presume that they were ashamed. I think what really ticks me off is that it shouldn't have happened yesterday - they knew their dog had attacked Dexter before so why didn't they try to prevent it from happening again? I know that they live locally (they use the local park) but I'm not sure of the exact location. If I see them again I will have a chat. I can't believe that the dog only attacks Dexter...Thanks for the advice BBL
May 2016
10:04am, 19 May 2016
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Red Ant
I'm pretty laid back with dogs attempting to demonstrate dominance with snapping jaws and snarls. That's just part of the hierarchy in doggy world.

I'm not happy about another dog actually biting Dexter. I'm lucky he has a thick coat and no skin was torn. I had to intervene by pulling the other dog off Dexter and then of course this increases the risk of getting bitten yourself.
May 2016
10:07am, 19 May 2016
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Crikey. That IS bad. DEFINITELY have a word.

(Jess isn't trying to be dominant - usually it's because she feels threatened or thinks I need protecting.)
May 2016
10:15am, 19 May 2016
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Red Ant
Ahhh Jess is a sweetie :)
May 2016
10:52am, 19 May 2016
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I would also ask around other dog owners to see if anyone else's dog had been attacked. There is another Staffie near us that the owners used to allow to run free in their front garden and thus the street (they live in a very quiet cul de sac that leads only to a footpath). Unfortunately every time we walked past it would run out and have a go at Wanda (who was always on a lead).

I asked other neighbours and dog owners first (one or two who were friends of the owner claimed never to have seen it!) but enough people told me they were fed up with it and had either nearly run it over or had to chase it out of their garden or it had worried their dogs. It gave me enough 'evidence' to approach them and say 'It's not just me.... other people are worried too and I really think that someone might contact the local dog warden soon if things don't change.'

I genuinely don't think it had occurred to them that not everyone was delighted every time this dog charged up to them and now the dog is never out at the front of the house. Of course it helped that I did know where they lived and could knock on their door.

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