Apr 2021
9:49am, 12 Apr 2021
8,915 posts
Thanks Dave - we use it too and I tend to buy a couple or three months worth when they have a discount (40% for Crufts week always used to be a good one but obviously didn't happen this year!) I've probably got a month or so's left but might need to stock up again. I've sometimes found the Vet UK site also very competitive if Yumove haven't got a direct offer on too.
Apr 2021
11:44am, 12 Apr 2021
8,916 posts
A tip for any dog owners moving house. I've finally been able to get onto Petlog for Wanda's microchip, establish that she is actually recorded to me as her keeper and try to change our address. Aside from all the well documented general shambles that's been going on there they wanted £10 for me to update my address on their system, which I thought was somewhat steep. However if I had opted for 'notification of new keeper' it would have only been £6. If I'd realised and thought about it I would have just changed keeper to BaronBR at our new address and saved myself £4. So if you are a two adult household and it doesn't really matter which of you the dog is registered to for its microchip it might be cheaper to 'transfer keeper' than 'update address.' It's not that it's a huge sum I just resent giving them £4 extra particularly after all their recent data shambles anyway!
Apr 2021
11:47am, 12 Apr 2021
289 posts
I paid £16 for lifetime changes on Lunas, although we moved to a new build last August and it still doesn't show up when I try to add it on their system although it does with any other company! Luckily my daughter still lives at my old address so she is fine registered there for now.
Apr 2021
12:42pm, 12 Apr 2021
8,917 posts
All being well - having just moved - we don't anticipate moving again during Wanda's lifetime. I think lifetime membership is £17 so I'd possibly go for that option on any future dog
Apr 2021
9:39am, 13 Apr 2021
1,801 posts
Arlo ran his first 5k yesterday. First 2 miles were same pace and he was mainly running next to me. Then all of a sudden he seemed to realise if he pulled, we went faster and last mile was 30 seconds faster.
Here is me looking knackered at the end after trying to keep up and him wanting to carry on.
We are contacting a behaviourist about some of the aggression he is showing us, but he has been banned from the sofa for 2 days and seems calmer and let's us handle him a bit more.
Apr 2021
9:42am, 13 Apr 2021
296 posts
Great news on the 5k. If he starts pulling throughout you will have some fun - Luna is nuts!
What harness did you settle on? I used a dogfit harness but as she pulls really hard it does restrict her breathing a little so I have ordered a freemotion harness for her. Comes today so hopefully fits!
Apr 2021
9:47am, 13 Apr 2021
1,802 posts
It's a non stop freemotion one. Haven't used it much as been reluctant as he isn't 1 yet, but the vet said to build up more miles and do bits in it. He doesn't like any harness but he seems to enjoy running so hoping he associates it positively. It feels a little big on him but I'm hoping he will gain a bit of weight soon.
He can race in a months time. And is certainly ready for parkrun. Just need to keep his focus on the run and not to what's going on around us.
Apr 2021
9:56am, 13 Apr 2021
297 posts
That's the best harness money can buy - hoping mine fits her. She is 14kg and I ordered a size 4. Mainly because the max neck opening on the 3 would not go over her head. So if this doesn't fit I doubt any will!
Apr 2021
10:08am, 13 Apr 2021
1,803 posts
I think I got arlo a size 3 as that's what was recommended for his breed (I got it as an Xmas present to myself). He is under 14kg, and it's the head loop that may get too tight if anything but currently it fits.
Fingers crossed it fits. But there must be other types which are decent enough which different head openings.
Apr 2021
1:09pm, 13 Apr 2021
298 posts
As long as you can get it over the head it should be fine. Lunas is a tight squeeze - I have to tuck her ears through first and then pull the rest through!
If you want Arlo to pull well then you have got the best pulling harness available. They use it in championship races - full range of movement and no pressing on the windpipe.
Good news my end is that the size 4 does indeed just fit over her big ears and with a 2.5 mile test run it was me wheezing not her! Massive difference and she recovered in about 10 mins after the run compared to 20 mins normally.