Jul 2020
9:09am, 6 Jul 2020
11,736 posts
Just keep replacing the fingers and feet with chewy toys. They do hurt, don't they?!
Jul 2020
1:19pm, 6 Jul 2020
1,654 posts
Apologies for the cat picture in the dog thread - I wondered where it had gone. Might have to post a dog pic in the cat thread to make up for it. 🤔
Jul 2020
1:59pm, 6 Jul 2020
11,741 posts
It made me smile, beebop
Jul 2020
2:03pm, 6 Jul 2020
8,721 posts
That’s OK beebop. I think all the thread dogs have calmed down now...
Jul 2020
2:38pm, 6 Jul 2020
8,339 posts
What a great start for Arlo
Jul 2020
8:36am, 7 Jul 2020
31,681 posts
Arlo has the same markings as our Ernie though he’s a cockapoo not a cocker. We did what SW suggests re biting and Ernie still goes to get something to put in his mouth when he’s excited. I keep a supply of balled up scarves near the front door which he uses when I come home.
Jul 2020
10:02am, 7 Jul 2020
1,219 posts
We have a snake that he seems to prefer over everything so using that. Its about 4 times his size. Really loves going for feet though.
Few more accidents today in the house but another decent night and no accidents in his crate. Cried when put to bed last night for a few minutes, then woke at 5.30 and cried but settled a couple mins later until I let him out at 6. Take him out to go to the toilet and he gets so distracted by noises or plants or the lead that he doesn't go. Bring him back in and he goes on kitchen floor.
Still not eating a lot but hiw poos are much better with no wood chippings any more. I'm pretty tired today though, not used to 5.30 starts.
Jul 2020
10:19am, 7 Jul 2020
3,530 posts
That's interesting HP - We got Ollie (Springer) as a rescue aged 5 so don't know his early training, but if someone comes in the door, or we say walk/garden, he immediately searches out a soft toy and then greets visitor/goes to door. He will scamper round for quite some time looking for an appropriate toy.
Jul 2020
4:07pm, 7 Jul 2020
1,220 posts
His mad half hours from yesterday have turned into mad 3 hours today. 🥱
Jul 2020
4:42pm, 7 Jul 2020
65,571 posts
Growing visibly, photo by photo