Apr 2017
4:09pm, 28 Apr 2017
6,507 posts
We suspect Wanda has whippet in her 'breeding' (I use the term breeding in the loosest sense of the word). The desire to chase and kill small furry/feathered things is particularly high in her case....
Apr 2017
4:11pm, 28 Apr 2017
9,651 posts
one of the women who attends the obedience class I go to has a rescue lurcher.... she calls small dogs "pies"
Apr 2017
7:40pm, 28 Apr 2017
23,019 posts
We had a fantastic walk earlier. Ernie was really well behaved. We did some training exercises throughout, including some parkour. Ok i got him to run along a bench. Between some comments on here, a chat with a friend and watching Me and My Dog final I am feeling optimistic about Ernie's potential to learn.
Apr 2017
8:32pm, 28 Apr 2017
3,158 posts
Alice the Camel
It's going to be a long weekend.
We have a 4 year old staying with us whilst her parents go away for the weekend. She's scared of dogs and doesn't want Charlie going anywhere near her. At the same time, she's full of energy and keeps squealing which gets Charlie wound up and wanting to play. Poor lad's spent most of the day being restrained on his lead.
Apr 2017
8:41pm, 28 Apr 2017
6,510 posts
Poor Charlie. We have a 4 year old in the family who comes to visit sometimes (less so since there have been various stories in the news about toddlers being attacked by staffies ) When our relative was a baby/tiny tot Wanda was as sweet as anything with her but I'm not sure how she would cope with screaming/over excited and we would keep her on a lead and possibly muzzled too in the company of any child of that age I think.
On the positive side though, that is great news with Ernie HP. I really want to go on Me and My Dog - I'm not sure how Wanda would cope with the swimming though.... how about you and Ernie and me and Wanda sign up for it next year and .... er... show 'em how it's done
Apr 2017
8:58pm, 28 Apr 2017
23,022 posts
I'm not sure if that goes beyond the realms of optimism and into miracle territory.
Apr 2017
9:14pm, 28 Apr 2017
11,421 posts
Poor Charlie! Can you not engineer a constructive meeting between the four year old and Charlie at a quiet moment. It is bad news to be scared of dogs at such a young age.
Apr 2017
9:30pm, 28 Apr 2017
23,024 posts
I'm with Sharkie. Maybe just seeing you playing with Charlie from a distance (out the window?) to begin. Then being in the same room. I find it such a shame to see kids so scared of dogs.
Apr 2017
9:40pm, 28 Apr 2017
8,644 posts
poor kid, Charlie is such a non-threatening looking dog - to be scared of him is so sad, what she's missing out on! I hope they can be friends soon.
Ralph's "girlfriend" was Maddie a border collie. but I fell out with her owner in a big way and we've not walked together for ~3 years. Today, they spotted/scented each other from opposite sides of an onion field. Neither obeyed recall attempts and they spent a very happy 10 minutes charging about around the fields together until control was finally re established.
Apr 2017
9:55pm, 28 Apr 2017
1,187 posts
Alice - my niece was terrified of dogs,including my very gentle Labrador, when she was about that age. I eventually talked her into helping me by giving the "on you go" command whilst the dog was sitting waiting patiently for her dinner. I like to think it helped her gain some confidence with the dog and a sense of control.