May 2011
9:35pm, 28 May 2011
618 posts
Good luck too. Hope it doesnt rain too much tonight!
May 2011
9:37pm, 28 May 2011
3,267 posts
No rain forecast for tomorrow - sunny intervals and white cloud
May 2011
8:22am, 29 May 2011
619 posts
Windy here though!
May 2011
1:46pm, 29 May 2011
620 posts
Well done every one. Good to meet you Frobester. GimmeMedals, I was the chap in the yellow vest who ran past shouting your name! Hope ou enjoyed it. New PB for me! Garmin came back as 13.24miles...
Anyone else got blisters?
May 2011
2:34pm, 29 May 2011
14,377 posts
New PB for me (well, on this course anyway - not an overall PB at this distance!) - shaved 6 minutes off my 2010 time for this race. Well, small victories and all that. Good to meet you Lauchy too. You should have stayed for the sausage baps - they were pretty good! Feeling a bit knackered but no blisters here.
May 2011
2:41pm, 29 May 2011
621 posts
May 2011
3:00pm, 29 May 2011
622 posts
Also, I hated the cups. I had a coughing fit on mile 10 and choked my head off! Not good.
May 2011
3:34pm, 29 May 2011
53 posts
Lily of the Valley
Hi gang Eventful day for me Had trouble finding it but was expecting that so happy to get to the car park with 10 mins to spare. Looked for fetchies but couldn't spot any till just before we set off when I saw two ladies the other side of the start.
Frobester were you wearing a green sweat top after the race? If so I saw you as I was leaving Well done on the course best! Loved the course and the whole event (think you would knock a big chunk off that pb on a road course Lauchy! Well done on pbing on that course! ) Much warmer than I expected and was surprised to find myself second lady from early on. Everything was going brilliantly till just after eleven miles when I went flying. Ouch! Really shook me up and whilst sat on the ground third lady overtook me. Managed to get up and could run so tried to chase her but felt wobbly and sick but with only two miles to go thankfully managed to finished and got myself patched up with the Red Cross team. Lumps on elbows and knees but don't think anything serious.
Sorry didn't get to meet anyone but hope all others had a good race
May 2011
3:40pm, 29 May 2011
625 posts
It was a tough one. The paths were all over the place with the drying of bike tyre marks from a previous wet and muddy day. Glad you enjoyed it.
May 2011
3:45pm, 29 May 2011
54 posts
Lily of the Valley
Absolutely would definitely do it again. Everyone was really friendly and very supportive. Surprised there weren't more runners.