May 2020
5:11pm, 18 May 2020
48,803 posts
You do get updates when your opponent logs training
There are no bonuses, but there are badges!
May 2020
5:11pm, 18 May 2020
9,246 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
Welcome, WA! There are various badges for WSW - 4 corners, full grid, various multi-player prizes and so four. You don't need to get 4 corners in one shot, just through the week. There is a new badge for maxing a square in one day: swim, cross, walk, bike and run. I'm working on it...
May 2020
5:14pm, 18 May 2020
6,832 posts
Thank you
May 2020
6:20pm, 18 May 2020
4,748 posts
Vancouver Jogger
Cross and walk, or, cross or walk
May 2020
6:34pm, 18 May 2020
9,247 posts
ITG 🇮🇸
Foiled by the dastardly swim club who have the whole sodding pool until 7pm! I shall return tonight.
In other news, doing squats in public was entirely superfluous as there walking and cross-training don't count twice.
May 2020
7:30pm, 18 May 2020
4,749 posts
Vancouver Jogger
Just checking the rules hadn't changed whilst I was away
May 2020
7:37pm, 18 May 2020
11,753 posts
VJ - you now get double points if you run backwards and an extra point if you hop.
[double points for first activity of the day were dropped a while back]
May 2020
7:55pm, 18 May 2020
4,750 posts
Vancouver Jogger
Double points for first activity was dropped before I left - it's only been three months - but I'll do my early morning run as a backwards hop instead and look forward to the bonus points!
May 2020
8:05pm, 18 May 2020
11,755 posts
Hop to it then!
May 2020
8:38pm, 18 May 2020
5,710 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
In the current circumstances with the NHS under pressure there are points off for requiring an A and E visit as a result of your 'run'...